Runny Nose

Hello. I wonder if anyone can help?  Steve, my husband is now 7 months post op for Oesophageal Cancer and 4 months post his last chemo treatment.  He's going really well and has put 2 of the 4 stone he lost back on.  He feels fine and is back to work almost full time after 10 months off.  However, he continues to suffer with a runny nose during/after eating, although nowhere near so severe.  It was one of the first symptoms he had before he was diagnosed.  Its probably a throw back to his chemo but I'm beginning to worry it's come back.  Anybody out there got any words of wisdom/reassurance or advice?

Thanks all


  • Hi there  Susan ...

    Sorry don't have any words of wisdom .. but just wanted to say hi buddy .. good to know how things are .. sounds like he's kicking cancers butt ... hope your well ..

    Your old chum .. chrissie  ; )) 


    Hello Susan Ruth.  I don't have any personal knowledge of this but I remembered reading a discussion on the MacMillan website about the issue of runny noses.  I attach it for your information.  As you will see some posters put it down to having lost nose hair during chemotherapy.  The actual discussion is about breast cancer and it was some time ago but I thought  it might be of  interest.  Annie

  • Hi there Susan,

    Good to hear your husband has completed treament and is slowly getting back to normal.

    I was thinking the same as AnnieLiz when I first read your post.  Runny nose can be down to having chemo.  Obviously you say he had it as a cancer symptom before so it's worth asking the doctors, but hopefully it's just coincidence that runny nose is a symptom of the cancer and of having chemo (as per AnnieLiz this is due to the lack of nose hair).

    Best wishes,


  • Thank you for taking the time to send this to me. Very helpful and informative. I am almost positive the issue is related to chemotherapy my worry is that Steve is 3-4 months post chemo. But he doesn’t have any other symptoms so I am staying positive. Take care x

  • Perhaps it just takes a long time for the nose hair to re-grow aftrer chemotherapy sometimes; with all these other people who have been similarly affected it seems to be a not uncommon phenomenon - if a rather irritating one.  Please don't worry (yes I know, easier said than done).  Annie 

  • Thanks for that TwinTwo and Annieliz - I appreciate your support x

    And Chriss - lovely to hear from you.... you're an amazing lady and friend xxx

  • Hi there just read your post i know its a while ago

    just wondering  how you husband went on with this. Im 3 years on from oesophageal cancer but have just developed these symptoms myself and they were present before my cancer diagnosis.  I too am worried its come back.  I have an endoscopy Thursday and im extremely worried. Thanks 

  •  Hello there, I’m sorry you are suffering with the dreaded runny nose. In Steve’s case the chemo  killed all his nasal hairs and therefore there was nothing to stem the flow. 

     In itself it was nothing to worry about. 

     Fingers crossed everything goes okay for you

    . Whatever you are doing, keep doing it – so, so chuffed when I hear of people surviving this. 




  • Hi SusanRuth,

    I just wanted to say hi and thanks as my husband has a runny nose. He was diagnosed with Oesophageal cancer on October 2020. Long story short chemo started end Jan 2021 op May complications which I won't go into post op FLOT delayed but completed mid September. His runny nose has been a problem and I was beginning to wonder why it was continuing so the lack of nasal hair makes sense. I am on another chat group where there are several of us in this 'club'.

    I hope your husband is OK. 
    Keeping the faith 



  • Hi SusanRuth,

    I am so sorry I've just realised that your husband has passed away. My heartfelt sympathy. No need to reply just know my thoughts are with you.
