Hi, I am a 27 year old female and I discovered a lump on my lower leg roughly above my ankle a few years ago. Recently, it has become more noticeable and I believe it has slightly grown in size. It's a hard lump that doesn't move and is painless.
I have been to see a Doctor who referred me to the hospital to have an X-Ray. Results take approximately 2-3 weeks so it's a case of the waiting game at the moment.
Unfortunately, I am a huge worrier. The Doctor said that it's unlikely to be anything serious as it has been there years whereas cancer usually takes months to grow. However, when looking online I have read that cancers can take years to grow, in some cases up to 20 years before being diagnosed.
I don't feel unwell in myself. I do however suffer from dizzy spells and tiredness but I'm not sure if that's down to lack of sleep and stress.
I just hope it's nothing serious but my mind goes into overdrive and think of the worst possible outcome.