Colonoscopy without sedation

Hi everyone, I’m writing this to reassure anyone that may be going for a colonoscopy and is wondering what the the prep is like, how does it feel and what to expect.

I went to the GP with changed bowel habits and some blood in my stool, she referred me down the two week cancer route, so I was scheduled for a colonoscopy within a fortnight after my initial consultation as I had similar symptoms as a person with bowel cancer would have.  Now I’m a 32 year old female so it’s unusual for someone of my age to have bowel cancer as a rule of thumb it usually affects older people (not always the case but you may take some comfort in that!), even knowing that I was still petrified why they had sent me down this quick cancer route - did they know something I didn’t, I was really worried about it to a point I nearly cancelled the whole thing - ignorance is bliss and all that!

I didn’t cancel, I got given my prescription for the MoviPrep collected it and arranged the time off with Work.  Now my appointment was at 2pm, so the day before I ate as normal, avoided red meat, and kind of stuck to the guide they gave me.  I was meant to stop eating at 1pm the day before and I was literally cramming a chicken baguette into my mouth at the last minute.  I got home around 5ish and began my prep at 7pm, I had a split dose, one litre the night before and one in the morning.  Now I’ve heard real horror stories about MoviPrep, and let me tell you I didn’t experience any.  The taste really isn’t that bad, it’s a bit like salty lemon, I wouldn’t go buy it from a shop if I had the choice, but it’s really not that bad, I just chugged a glass of it every 15 mins until the litre was gone.  Now then even after 3 hours I only had one bowel movement and that was it.  I had a bit of stomach cramp (it does make you bloated!) and I went to bed with the idea in my head to call and cancel in the morning if the second lot of prep didn’t work!  The bonus with MoviPrep is it fills you up so you’re not hungry either, I went to bed woke up at 6 and began my second litre, now during the second litre is when movement began to happen.  For me I found it easier to just sit on the toilet for a solid hour, I didn’t get any stinging as some people do, but by the end when you know the MoviPrep has done it’s job it is literally like having a wee through the other end where nothing but clear liquid comes out.  Now I was concerned because I didn’t get rid of that much and still  convinced it hadn’t worked, but reset assured it had worked and I just didn’t have a lot in my bowel in the first place! 

The moviprep finished about 8:30am then I started to get hungry around 9:30am.  By then everything is out and you’re just waiting, I wasn’t allowed water after midday so I kept my stomach full by drinking plenty of water!  On a side note prior to no liquids and during the time of no food you can have clear liquids, so I treat myself to a glass of white wine (not red it’ll stain your bowel and may be mistaken for blood) the night before. So all in all the prep wasn’t bad.

I arrived at hospital for my appointment, waited 30 mins saw the nurse who explained everything checked my vitals that I’d had my prep, no food or water etc. I then get handed these shorts with a opening in the back, get changed into them, put my pants back over the top and wait again, I reckon by 3pm the doctor came out, introduced himself, went through the consent and asked if I wanted sedation (I didn’t) and said when you’re ready come in. 

So I went in, took my pants off, they keep everything under your bed, there’s a monitor so you can watch and nurses there checking your vitals etc.  So they hand me Entonox (gas and air) and insist you take 5 breaths before starting so you know how to use it, after 5 I was already light headed.  So this is where it begins, you can feel it; it’s uncomfortable and rightly so as it’s not a daily occurrence but it was not painful, at some points especially the corners you can feel it, he asked if I could lie on my back at some point and my front to make the camera round into smaller corners, and the sensation I imagine (I don’t have kids) would be what a baby kicking would feel like.  In total it lasted 30 mins, I was watching and chatting to the nurses during it, I think I hit up the Entonox 3 more times (singular times) but that was it and I probably could have done without it.  So rest assured it is not that bad at all, now everyone’s pain threshold is different and all bowels are different so it may be more difficult to navigate through other ones.  But if you’re scared about it and in debate over sedation then I hope this eases your mind a bit!  I think the Entonox would be sufficient enough for me it was anyway.  So we’re at the end, during he says the moviprep worked really well, had a clean bowel and there was no anomalies, they didn’t find anything what so ever!  He explained that he’s taken routine biopsies as he may expect to find a minimal trace of IBS but that’s it, and that can be remedied with diet.

Afterwards they wheeled me out into the recovery ward, I get dressed straight away, go sit down to a glass of water and cheese and crackers (the best cheese and crackers I’ve ever had after 28 hours not eating!).  They do say if your bowel is full of air release it as it’ll cause discomfort later on, now I know during the procedure he was pumping air in for a better view so i was expecting some, but nothing.  I felt 100% fine just hungry and thirsty.  After 30 mins the nurse went through my report, explained a few things, asked how I felt, checked my vitals and I was free to go.  You can drive after, I went home had a pizza, drinks and went to bed.  Woke up fine the next morning and went back to work.  I had no discomfort afterwards, I wasn’t in any pain it was like it never happened.

As I said everyone is different, but I read so many horror stories before mine which probably didn’t help prior to having mine, but if you’re trying to scour the internet for information as I was I hope this helps! Any questions just ask!

  • I thought I would share my experience, to help ease anyone's mind. I understand everyone's experience is different however after reading multiple posts I was terrified. I am a 27yo female with severe anxiety who had been experiencing symptoms including passing blood, mucous and cramping pain for about 3 months. tests showed inflammation, h pylori in my stomach and blood in stool. I was referred, and received my appointment for a week and a half later! 

    I started kleanprep at 1300 the day before (I found it's definitely better by putting some lime cordial in it) having read previous posts suggesting this was the worst one, I honestly did not find it tooo awful, just keep some sudocreme and wet wipes handy! I definitely found it easier drinking it when I was in the bath (as the bubble bath masked the smell!)

    my appointment was at 0800 the next morning and being terrified of sedation I opted for gas and air only. The NHS were fantastic and even allowed my mother accompany me as I was so terrified. Overall, I found the procedure fine, it is a bit unusual feeling however the only pains were when going around the bends of the colon however the nurse would stop to allow me to take some gas and to release some air! (even then I have had worse period cramping) the whole process took around 30-40 minutes with 25+ biopsies taken (no polyps found). 

    The main upside I found to the Gas was being able to go home straight away while everyone else on the ward was still recovering. I am waiting on biopsy results with suspected IBD. I would definitely opt for gas the next time too.

    hope this helps x 

  • Ive read about your experiance and im not as petrified. Ive got an apt for 845 this Sunday, i am more concerned about the moviprep than colonoscopy, i have slot of walking problems and are scared to death i make a mess whilst doing the prep, as i cannot move very quickly. I wish id refused the procedure in favour of  a  special  type of CT scan.. im not sure how ill be with the medication i take  without food as there are opiods i take 4 times a day.. any guidance advice will be massivley appreciated. Thank you carol

  • I feel for you. My guess is that you are worried your painkiller will pass through your gut before being absorbed. This may happen. There is no getting away from the fact that the cleaning- out procedure is tedious, messy & a general pain. However, it is only for a few hours, not repeated for many years, maybe never. So my advice has to be to grit your teeth, have a good supply of newspapers at hand both to read in the toilet & to contain any mess. You can get through this. The virtual colonoscopy CT scan alternative will likely not be as accurate plus it will expose you to a considerable dose of radiation. 

  • Thanks, i am going to try and talk it through with the consultant or my GP if i cannot get my consultant on the phone. MY CONCERN IS THAT MY PRESCRIBED MEDS I TAKE EVERYDAY will knock me around without eating as im on alot of v strong thinkgs including a fentayl patch, Pregablin  tramadol cocodamol amongest a few others.. B eing disabled is embarrasing enough but if i was to have an accident in the car or waiting room / ward id die of embarrasment..ill keep your advice too m nd though..


    Reards Carol

  • Hello Carol, 

    Thank you for your message. I'm now on Day 12 of my 28 day treatment. I go every day Mon - Friday for chemo & radiation therapy. I can't remember if I posted my diagnosis but I'm Stage 3 T4 N2 M0 (which basically means Stage 3 - cancer is larger and has reached surrounding lymph nodes,  Tumour grade 4 - grown through bowel wall,  N2 - 2 lymph nodes involved - Metastasis or spread to other organs - none) 

    First 2 cycles were fine but this 3rd cycle (I was warned in advance this would happen) has really knocked me for six. But I'm coping and it's all in a good cause! I'm nearly half way through treatment days woohoo . 

    I hope all is good with you. 
    MPG x 

  • I really deeply feel for you and everyone who  has to face any cancer .. ill pray for you, im booked for a colonoscopy , however  i have Diverticulitis, and i firmly believe my symptons were this having a flare up. my husband is adament i may be wrong im just concerned im taking an apt from another who does have very serious cancer.. im scared stiff to have the clear out, because ive got mobility issues , back problems along with osteoarthritis and the thought of having accidents anywhere but in particular in the Car or waiting to go in sitting in my wheelchair..  Had the symptons continued id not miss having it at all.  my appointment is Sunday morning ,, After reading everythiing everyone goes  through with a smile i feel terrible as its nothing in comparrison. I HOPE YOU GET THROUGH THIS AND GET A CLEAN  BILL OF HEALTH..

    Best Wishes Carol

  • Hello again Caz. You take both Tramadol and a fentanyl patch? The patch will certainly not be affected by anything related to the colonoscopy. The Tramadol may be a different matter. It may be that you have to accept a lower level of pain control for a few hours. I would certainly take the sedation offered during the procedure itself. It will all be over before you know it. Dont worry about accidents. If you follow the timetable, there will be very little liquid left in your bowel by the time you have to leave for the hospital. If necessary, sit on newspapers or nappies & there is no reason to feel embarrassment, everyone involved has seen it all before. 

  • hi brian hoping you may beable to help..hope someone has advice, i started my moviprep at 1900, im on my last glass and nothing !!!  im starting to panic as iy says the last movement as you finish the litre... my colonoscopy is for 845, im due 2nd litre of moviprep at 5am..  noone to call as unit closes of night


    thanks Carol

  • Don't worry. We are all different! The stuff is guaranteed to work sooner or later. Are you really having it done on Sunday morning? You seem to have a good medical team where you are!