Cervix abnormalities, Urgent referral


Im in a terrible state after being given an urgent referral to a gynaecologist. Last week during a routine smear test, the nurse said she could see an abnormality above my cervix. She stated it looked like a reddish/purplish blood blister. She immediately telephoned the surgery’s GP who specialises in ‘women’s health’ & she agreed to free up an apt for today.

Follwing examination the GP said she could certainly see what the nurse had described & that it bled easily upon examination. The GP examined me further & said she could feel abnormalities across the whole surface of my cervix. The leaflet I was given about my 2 week urgent referral states it is because my symptoms or examination could indicate cancer.

She asked me if there was any family history of cervical or breast cancer, which there isn’t. I had an abnormal smear, CIN 3, apx 20yrs ago, but following treatment for this, my smears have always been normal.

Im terrified, I have two little boys & my mind is running away with me. Does anyone have any experience of these symptoms or any advice? Thankyou to you all xx

  • How were those results? Fingers crossed your 125 levels were behaving?


    i had my LLETZ last Thursday....   saw a different nurse (female) & couldn’t believe how much better I felt after the procedure!   (Last 2 times I have come away feeling really emotional from the colposcopy clinic) but this time, despite being more invasive it was a much better experience! I’m going to request a female from now on!

    2 days on and no bleeding so far!   

    2 weeks for results - I’m not so nervous about it any more!


    i do hope your results are clear xxxx

  • Hi Twinmum08

    just checking in to see how things are with you?   Last you posted on this thread was that you were awaiting yhour 125 levels from bloodwork?     I hope they came back clear and the cyst has dispered without needing any intervention.

    I got my results back comfirming they removed Cin 1,2,& 3 from my cervix during the LLETZ and i am booked in for my 'curative' smear next month to make sure they got it all - however i don't think the HPV just goes away with the LLEtz procedure?   so i'm fully epecting that to still be there! in which case i'll be on regular watch.....   I seriously would rather the full hysterectomy!  It's more trouble than it's worth now that I have my 3 beautiful children.....

    I'm off for genetic counselling next month due to family history (and a small lump on my breast) which turned out to be nothing at all!  Talk about efficient - from GP to mammogram and results (done at the same time as the mammogram) was all within 5 days!  no excruciating waits for results.......      Very impressed.       Not sure what the genitic family counselling means- possib;y a check for the Brachy? genes.....      i don't know if i really want to know!  I'd be really thrown if i had to make a decision about preventative surgery.....     (although the hysterectomy would be a no brainer)!


    Anyway - thats all my news to date

    Like i say i really hope that nothing came of the 125 results xxx


  • Hi all, 

    Im new to this but have found your post interesting & helpful.

    I went for my routine smear test on Friday, the nurse called a doctor in & deferred my smear and given me an urgent 2 week referral as there was something (they didn’t say what & I was too terrified to ask) abnormal looking that neither of them had seen before. I’m terrified. I’ve had ovarian cysts & fibroids before & hoping it could be just that. I’ve looked at all the symptoms of CC & I don’t seem to have any obvious symptoms, no pain, no weight loss no bleeding..... so now ive convinces myself I’ve got ovarian cancer! 

    I recently had an X-ray on my hips as I had pain but they confirmed mild arthritis in hips.... and in the summer of 2017 I had an ultrasound & ended up having my gallbladder removed. I’ve had blood tests galore over the last 2 years for one thing or another.... surely something would have been detected!? 

    If  anyone has been through similar and has any advice I’d appreciate it xxx 

  • Hi Lizzydrippin

    I am not medically trained so my opinions are my own ! 

    I'm so sorry that you are going through this - it's a really stressful time and the wait is worse than almost any result - not knowing what a problem is means your brain just doesn't switch off!

    With regards to your smear - they wouldn't be able to see anything ovarian from that.....     Often they see what is just a cyst or a wart, which can cause all kinds of problems and fears when you go for your smear, but really often, are nothing. They certainly wouldn't see anything to do with the ovaries at your smear.
    GP's really are GP's and most don't have specialist knowledge on anything - they are merely (and i don't mean that in a derogatory way)! but they are a signposting service for more significant problems and post you onto the correct services with a high/medium/low priority suggestion -where the specialists in that area can dignose and treat you.

    I empathise with the hips - i was born with hyper mobility (great when your young and are impressively bendy) but it's taken it toll now and i'm riddled with mild arthritis and am as stiff as an old board!   I think the bloods whould of shown something up somwhere - do you know if they checked you CA125 level (this is one of the earlier checks they do if ovarian stuff is being ruled out)
    Blood tests are specific so they will only test for what has been requested.

    When you go for your referal - take a notepad with any questions you want answered....    It's so easy to forget and they really won't mind at all.....    in fact they will be very through in explaining whats going on and why you have been referred......   

    Good luck - 

    let us know how it went x

  • Thank you for your reply, that was helpful :-) & yes, you’re right, hopefully the worrying is worse than the result! 

    Im going to ring the doctors tomorrow & pluck up the courage to actually ask what they were concerned about! I was too scared to ask on Friday.... 

    I’ll let you know how I get on , and thanks again x 

  • Hi everyone,

    I hope you mind me jumping on this thread. This is the first time I've posted on a thread like this.

    I'm going out my mind with worry. I went for a smear yesterday - over 18 months late as the surgery had the wrong address for me. I  could have sworn I updated them previously but that's another story. I only phoned up the surgery after seeing a Facebook post which reminded me and got me thinking "I wonder how long it's been since my smear test..."

    Anyway, the nurse took the smear but then said she could see something on my cervix and wanted the doctor to have a look. She said it could be a polyp or something similar but couldn't be sure as my period was about to start. She also said it bled a little when touched and looked a little red around the edges. I went in to see the doctor straight away and she examined me again and said the same thing. I've now been referred to the gynacologist at the hospital and am going out of my mind with worry, obviously thinking the worst i.e. CC

    My partner has paid for me to go private as I just couldn't face waiting up to three weeks for my appointment. I have an appointment this coming Monday and I'm absolutely petrified. I can't stop thinking about it. I haven't noticed any symptoms as such - my periods have always varied from heavy to fairly light and been reasonably regular but not like clockwork.

    I would be interested to hear from anyone who has had a similar experience as I'm really beside myself with worry

    Thank you all xxx

  • Hi Naomi,

    yes I had a similar scare to you. 

    I went for my routine smear test, the nurse called a doctor in and both said it was not a normal looking cervix, neither had seen anything like it before and I needed an urgent referral. I waited 2 weeks, I was the same, I had convinced myself i had cervical cancer and was just terrified. 

    When I went to the hospital to see the consultant I was told I had Nabuthian cysts on my cervix and it was nothing to worry about, I fact she scraped it off there snd then and I then had a smear test which came back fine. I was the same as you, I had absolutely no symptoms so it was a real shock to be told this. 

    The one thing I will say to you is that the nurses and gp’s at your local surgery are not experts in everything, what may appear to be ‘abnormal’ to them may be completely normal to a gynaecologist - please try not to worry, if you don’t have any symptoms it really is probably nothing. I hope this helps 

  • Hello Lizzy,

    Thank you so much for your reply - what a wonderfully supportive place this is! I'm sorry you've been through similar worry - it really is so frightening isn't it? I'm crossing everything that all will be ok but you just can't help fearing the worst, can you?

    Thank you so much again xxx

  • Hi Naomi,

    Like you, I had fortunately never had to post in a forum like this before...until last March when I was told there were abnormalities all over my cervix. I cried myself to sleep every night whilst awaiting an apt through the 2 week referral. Anyway, to cut a long story short, the moment I was seen examined by the specialist, she told me all was ok. I had numerous tests & examinations after this just to ensure everything was ok & thankfully it was. It was a simple blood blister that bled when touched. I really do wish you well & I hope the next couple of weeks go quickly for you. Take care

  • It’s a great forum, so supportive, helpful and reassuring. 

    As I said, just try not to worry too much. Let the experts have a look, it’s probably completely normal to them like mine was, but to the gp & nurse it was totally abnormal apparently! So I worried unnecessarily for 2 weeks! 

    Keep us posted as to how you got on xx