Mum of 3 amazing people (18, 9 & 9)!
Vocal Coach, Singing teacher, singer and I run a childrens choir as a business
CBT therapist in a previous llife (before twins)
November 2016 - mild dyskaryosis detected from Smear screening
January 2017 - low level changes & hpv detected at colposcopy repeat smear in 12 months
March 2018 - severe dyskariosis & high grade hpv
April 10th colposcopy booked - biopsy taken
April 15th - cin 3 confirmed offered LLETZ
July 19th LLETZ (delay my fault - cancelling twice due to theatre booking for kids & period cancellation)
June 2019 - smear
August 2019 - smear normal & no sign of HPV
July 2019 referral to dermatology for spot on back that has been treated as eczema by GP for 18 months - dermatologist diagnosed it as BCC and found another place on my collarbone
November 8th - booked for 2 BCC removals under local