Cervix abnormalities, Urgent referral


Im in a terrible state after being given an urgent referral to a gynaecologist. Last week during a routine smear test, the nurse said she could see an abnormality above my cervix. She stated it looked like a reddish/purplish blood blister. She immediately telephoned the surgery’s GP who specialises in ‘women’s health’ & she agreed to free up an apt for today.

Follwing examination the GP said she could certainly see what the nurse had described & that it bled easily upon examination. The GP examined me further & said she could feel abnormalities across the whole surface of my cervix. The leaflet I was given about my 2 week urgent referral states it is because my symptoms or examination could indicate cancer.

She asked me if there was any family history of cervical or breast cancer, which there isn’t. I had an abnormal smear, CIN 3, apx 20yrs ago, but following treatment for this, my smears have always been normal.

Im terrified, I have two little boys & my mind is running away with me. Does anyone have any experience of these symptoms or any advice? Thankyou to you all xx

  • Welcome to the forum Twinmum although I'm sorry for the reason you are posting.

    It can be a scary time waiting for tests, especially when the word cancer has been mentioned and you have children to look after, but try to remember that the urgent referral is there to eliminate the possibility of it being cancer as well. We have some information about urgent referrals just here which I hope will help to ease your mind slightly.

    In the meantime try to stay busy - I'm sure your litte ones can help with this :) - and distract yourself from thinking about this if you can. If you find your mind running away with you again do come and chat to us here as our members are a supportive bunch and I'm sure some of them will reply soon and do what they can to help.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi

    just reading your post and can see you have also been told your cervix appears to be abnormal. I was told on Thursday whilst my GP was doing some swabs that my cervix appeared really abnormal and that she was referring me to the hospital within the two week referral process. I have been going out my mind all this Easter bank hol and just cannot get my head round it.

    i know how your feeling and hope things work out for you . It would be good to know how you got on. And if you needed a chit chat then feel free to chat back. I have put a post on here myself but had no replies , if you wanted to read it.

    I suppose all we can do is stay positive for our children and wait and see what happens. Love and hugs :)

  • Hi Miss Lincoln,

    thanks for your reply.  My apt’ is this Fri & it can’t come a day too soon. I’m out of my mind with worry & fear for my children. I’ve ran through every worst case scenario in my head & im just hoping and praying it’s not bad news. I’ve been trying to busy myself over the past few days.

    When is your apt? I hope you’ve had an ok day & I wish you the best during these dreadful days of waiting and worrying xx

  • Hi twinmum

    im glad you have your appt and I hope it is all good. I will be thinking about you tomorrow. Please let me know how it all went. 

    I had a call today from the hospital asking me to go next Tuesday afternoon. So I’ve got all weekend to still think about it. I’ve been going mad too, trying to keep busy at work. Had to tell my manager and burst out crying as I couldn’t keep it together. She was very understanding which is good. 

    The waiting is awful and it makes me feel sick to be honest. I just cannot wait til Tuesday to get it over and done with.

    fingers toes and everything else crossed for you tomorrow hun x x x x x 

  • Miss Lincoln and Twinmum, I wish you both the very best. This waiting game is awful. Here's hoping that all this worry will soon be behind you. xx Harry

  • Good evening all & Thankyou for taking the time to respond to me, it means a lot. I had my apt today & now feel the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders. I was so emotional that I could barely tell the HCA my Date of birth, she asked me if the GP had frightened me to death & I explained that my GP had not given me any alternatives as to what the ‘abnormalities ‘ she had seen & felt upon examination, could be. The consultant explained the results of my smear test were not yet back. She then examined me & within seconds said ‘this is nothing to worry about’. After an internal examination, she stated that she could feel NO abnormalities at all. She asked if I had previously been diagnosed with endometriosis, which I haven’t. She said that as I am on the 2wk pathway, the hospital will call me with an apt for a colposcopy and a pelvic ultrasound within a week or so. She must have said 6 or 7 times, that I did not need to go away worried. The relief I am feeling is indescribable. I know how fortunate I am & realise that many ladies are not. I wish everyone the best of luck on whichever treatment plan they commence. Last week at this time, I was convinced I had CC, I hope my post offers some reassurance to others that the 2 week referral does not always result in the most horrendous of news.
  • Hi 

    I feel for you I also got a urgent referral about two weeks ago the hospital gave me an appointment a week later and I had a colposcopy and then a LLETZ to remove the abnormal tissue straight away. It was good to read other people’s replies and support. So glad they have put your Mind at rest. Lots of love my thoughts are with you. I have to wait for the lab results now which can take up to eight weeks. Keep your fingers crossed for me.  xxx

  • Hi

    I am so glad everything went ok for you! At least you can get on with your life knowing your ok. Must be such a weight off your mind :)

    I am still waiting and worrying and cannot wait for Tuesday to come round. I had a letter this morning confirming my apt and where to go etc. I just can’t stop the awful thoughts going through my mind. I’ve been in pain for so long now that I am convinced I’m getting bad news.

    ive also got a pre op apt on Monday for my hernia operation on the 23rd. I just can’t think straight. Can’t sleep and waking up having night sweats and to top it off Ive now got a cold and sore throat. It’s never ending. 

    Amanda I’m glad you have had your abnormal tissue removed and fingers crossed your results are ok. I’ve had that done before and mine came back ok so I’m sure you’ll be fine.

    love and hugs everyone xxx


  • Hi Amanda & Miss Lincoln, Hope you are both ok. This 2 week referral is a fantastic system but also the most horrendous of waits. The emotional trauma is damaging, which is why I found this forum so helpful, somewhere to sound off & hear from women in similar situations. I will keep you in my thoughts. Miss Lincoln, I will be thinking of you on Tuesday & I do hope to hear how things go for you. This has given me a real shake up to be more ‘body aware’. I have put up with abdominal pain, back pain, etc for so long as I’m not one to visit a GP. I will however ensure I have symptoms checked out in the future. If my tests scheduled for the next week or so, show up any gynae problems, I am in a completely different mindset now. My heart goes out to every woman who has not had such fortunate news. Love to all, K xx
  • Hi Twinmum - I’m a twin mum too!   

    Glad they put your mind at rest in the clinic I hope your results come back clear xxx

    im off to the clinic tomorrow following a severe dyskariosis result following a mild abnormalities result...    suspect a LLETZ procedure tomorrow (I hope they will do it there and then)!  Bit scared but staying busy!  Xx