Lump between neck and shoulder UPDATE

I noticed a lump end of November which I thought was just muscle tension between my shoulder blades. I saw my GP before Christmas as it had grown and she measured it and asked me to come back 4 weeks later. Which I did and it had grown again. I have had blood tests and ultrasound so far to diagnose it. I now need a MRI which is on Tuesday. I’m terrified and thinking/preparing for the dreaded C word to be used.

I have two young girls (2years and other 6months) I can’t stop thinking they are going to grow up not knowing me. Feeling very low and really trying to push myself to do the daily tasks but it all seems rather pointless.


Edited on Sunday 25/02/2018 by Moderator Steph. Photograph removed by moderator in line with terms and conditions.

  • Hi Gem8. Welcome to the forum.

    We're not doctors here, so we can't diagnose your lump, but the take home message is that most lumps are harmless. There are numerous possible reasons for lumps, and cancer is way down near the end of the list.

    Your doctor is doing the right thing in sending you for an MRI, and don't be too surprised if you're referred to a specialist and/or the lump is biopsied. Don't be alarmed if you're sent for an "urgent" referral for "suspected cancer".  Many people are similarly referred each year, and nine out of ten turn out not to have cancer.  I myself have been "urgently" referred for suspected cancer on two occasions in the last 3 years, and each time nothing nasty has been found - although I did need to have endoscopies and an MRI! 

    Right now, you have no reason to suspect that this is cancer. Right now it's an unidentified lump which may well turn out to be a cyst or a lipoma or something else equally harmless. You might need surgery to remove it, or it might resolve on its own, but there is no undue reason to be alarmed. 

    So please try to keep calm, and don't panic.

    PS. Don't bother asking the MRI radiographer whether the images show anything nasty. They're not allowed to tell you because they're not qualified to interpret what they see. The images need to be examined and interpreted by an experienced radiologist (a qualified doctor) who will write a report and send it back to the doctor who ordered the scan. 

    PPS. If you've never had an MRI before, my advice is to take a favourite CD which contains a lot of short familiar tracks which will help you pass the time(you probably won't be able to take an iPod because the MRI's magnetic fields could well damage it).  Ask the radiographer to turn the machine's internal fan onto maximum because the scans may make you feel warm, and to count down the number of scans left to go after each one finishes. A single scan lasts about 4 minutes, and the machine makes so much noise that you're given headphones. If you can't hear your CD, ask for the volume to be increased slightly. You'll probably want to keep your eyes closed as much as possible during the procedure. It's not much fun, but it is necessary. 

  • Hi there ... it seems most posts on here are to do with "waiting" and l can so understand it's harder when you have little ones ... but it could be lots of things .. and what lots of us have found usefull is keeping as busy as poss ... l know it's easier said then done, but theres no easy way through the waiting ... if you start thinking the worse it feels overwhelming ... at it's easy to loose reality ... 

    I'm just used to it now, with tests , appointments,  etc ... and most times it is o.k ... so hold on in there ... and fingers crossed you'll be fine ... don't worry bout your photo taken off, as wer only ordinary people like you, and we wouldn't be able to tell you what it is ... big vertual hug ... Chrissie x

  • Thank you for the reply and the tips for the mri, I will have to dig out a good album. I think I’m just preparing for the worst so it doesn’t hurt so much if it is bad news. I’m trying to keep busy with the daily routines, i know I will have to wait until the end of March for any possible answer or move to having it removed. (It needs removing either way as it is pressing on my nerves) My doctor is great, and so is my hospital thankfully and I’m so thankful for how quickly this has gone up to this point. I hope your latest scan comes back ok. Thank you again
  • Thank you for the reply

    Time really can drag if your not doing anything and just wallowing which is what I’ve been doing all weekend! It is so unlike me as I’m usually the type of person who just gets back up  and carry’s on through what ever. 


  • Feel your pain. 

    I am in the same boat..... Cannot get it of my mind!!!! 

    Going to see an ent surgeon next week cannot come quick enough.....

    Also going to see reflexologist tomorrow hopefully she can tell me some information

    Best of luck with everything 


  • Update So I had the MRI which lasted over 10 songs so I think it was about 30-40minutes. I wasn’t expecting to feel like the machine was cooking me from the inside out. Anyway it turns out the MRI confirmed it is a mass within my left trapezium muscle, I had a consultant appointment on Saturday afternoon and he confirmed it is a tumour. I am now being referred to a different hospital which are specialists in this area. So they still can’t rule out if the tumour is cancerous or not. Which I had expected. So more waiting. More not knowing. My mum ‘had’ to tell all her brothers and auditors so now they all ask for updates which is infuriating. My auntie who is obviously not medically trained thinks I just need the lump ‘worked out’! I really don’t want my family or friends knowing all my medical details or updates is this wrong?
  • Hi there ...and no it's not wrong, we have to go with how we feel at the moments in time .. there was a time where it seemed to be so many adverts every day on T.V .. papers ... Drs ... And as much as they do good it just started screaming at me, that word we all dread ... So I took myself off for few days from all info to get back on track...

    I remember my other half texting his daughter about the result ld just got from oncology Dr ... I totally lost it with him .. i wanted to tell my son first ... So I can relate to you ...

    I'm so hoping it turns out benign... But we're all ways here when you want to chat or vent ...

    Take care and big hug ... Chrisie x

  • Had a phone call today from a Macmillan nurse who will be my key worker if the diagnosis is cancer. The sarcoma MDT and herself are meeting Monday to discuss my case.

    I wish I could be a fly on the wall that day! 

    Feeling pretty nervous, anxious and thinking silly things about the possibility of my partner meeting someone else one day who will be a ‘Mum’ figure in my tiny children’s lives. 

    Got everything crossed that it’s benign. I’m meant to be going on a family trip in 10 days time which isn’t great timing.

  • Hi, I can relate to what you are going through it’s such a stressful time. I found a lump on my neck a while back and thought nothing of it until I realised it had been there a good 6months+. I was also referred very fast which is scary and they confirmed it was a tumour and called it s level 2 lymph node ( still unsure what level 2 means). From this I had a needle biopsy and then 5 days later had me in to remove the whole thing for biopsy. This was on Friday and I’m just waiting the results. I have 2 children 3 and 1 and like you I’m just worrying about everything x the waiting part is horrible xxx sending big hugs to you xxx
  • I also found a lump between my neck and shoulder. The doctor said it was fat, I was like you worried about it but he said it' very rear to get the big c there try not to get too worried about it think positive. Tony

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