Urgent referral to ENT - what to expect


I’ve been unwell since Christmas with sore throat, cough, chest infection etc, went to dr as feels like there is a lump in my throat when I swallow, my neck is sore to touch around my voice box area, my ears hurt a little and I’m totally exhausted. I expected antibiotics but instead had an urgent referral to ENT for next week. My GP said they’d want to put a camera up my nose to get a closer look but there’s no mention of anything on the letter from the hospital...can anyone tell me what to expect? As you can imagine, I’m panicking a little....

Thank you!

  • They will probably put a very small tube up your nose ,it has a camera on the end it is uncomfortable but not painful. Then they may take an ultra sound of your throat and if they decide they may also want to tak some cells from your throat. It sounds scarey but you don't feel it because they numb it with a local anaesthetic . Then normall you go and have a coffee or something and come back an hour and a half later so that you get the results , try not to worry I know it's hard to say that and you will naturally be anxious. Best of luck and I hope that it will be good news for you . Many people are referred it doesn't mean that it is anything nasty it just means it is better to be on the safe side. Hope this helps x

  • Thanks Gilliebean, that helps a lot, it’s the not knowing what to expect that has been panicking me. Thanks again, Debs xx

  • I had an urgent ENT referral for a persistent sore throat just before Xmas.

    As gilliebean described, I had the camera up the nose. This really was no problem at all, and I didn't find it uncomfortable. I had to pull a few faces to get the camera in the correct position to look down my throat, and then I had to count so the consultant could see my vocal cords working.

    The consultant said I had an overgrowth of tonsil tissue that I needed a neck/throat MRI, which I had in the gap between Xmas and New Year. It wasn't much fun, but I got through it. I had a followup appoinment two weeks later and was told the MRI seemed to be clear, but just to be sure I needed a panendoscopy with biopsies under general anaesthetic. 

    I had the panendoscopy a few days later, and the results came through about 2 weeks later. Again this was completely clear. I was cleared of possible cancer and sent back under my GP. 

    Obviously everybody's case is different, but that's what happened to me. 

  • Hi Deb, your symptoms are the same as mine, ive had a sort throat since 28th Dec 2018. I've visited  the doctors 4 times in 6 weeks and now ive been referred for a urgent ENT appointment. I'm worried as its a urgent appointment but i know its for the best and at least im going to be seen. How did you get on with yours? 

  • I have had an urgent referal for a sore throat and ear I've had for 6 weeks. I have now lost my appetite too. I can't stop crying im so worried. I think my lymph nodes are swollen also. I have made an appointment for next week privately rather than wait a possible 4 weeks and the one week wait is too much. I'm terrified. I'm.worried i have throat cancer caused by hpt is it? The virus which i read was going to cause an epidemic of throat cancer by 2019 which is making me feel worse as then it was self inflicted.  I also smoke very occasisonally which wouldn't have helped matters if i do have the virus. Can anyone else say how they got on with their visit? 

  • Morning Laura

    my husband too went private for his ENT . The doctor will ask your medical history and symptoms. Your throat will be numbed and a teeny tiny camera will be put up your nose and down your throat . In my husbands case a small polyp was seen on his voice box ( his only symptom was a lost voice for almost 8 weeks without any pain ) He was then booked in to have a biopsy the following week . Biopsy was done and as much of the polyp removed and sent for testing . My husband then had a phone call from the doctor exactly a week after telling him that he did in fact have cancer of the voice box. Caught very early and he started his  treatment 3 weeks ago . 33 sessions of radiotherapy 5 days a week . It was caught very very early and he was offered lazer but as that could cause voice damage he decided on radiation.

    my husband was a smoker many years ago & never a drinker his is not HPV . Cancers of the mouth or throat iid caught early are very treatable with a good outcome of total cure . HPV has a better outcome in fact. Before you know it you will have answers . Fingers crossed for you & all the best . Ginny x  PS he was put straight in to the NHS service via the private consultant . 

  • Hi Ginpo, 

    Sorry I am high jacking the thread but can I ask what your husband's symptoms were seeing as he actually did end up with a cancer diagnoses, I have fever and flu like symptom with a very sor throat or a week now, went to the dr who noticed I had a huge tonsil one side the other side is not visible at all. It's been like that for over a year when I said that he said he is referring me to ent for some investigation , I am just worried now I have a young family I'm 30 and am concerned about the worst case scenario.

    How is your husband doing now? I hope you don't mind me asking that I know I could be worrying over nothing but it's human nature I guess. 

    Hope you don't mind t questions

    Thank you danielle


  • Hi Danielle,
    How did you get on with your referral. 
    I have swollen lymph nodes, the feeling of something stuck in my throat and constant ear ache. 
    I'm going to book a private healthcare appointment as I'm worried about the wait time with COVID 


  • I've had post nasal drip for a year and a half I've had a telephone consultation and a sinus scan all clear but still suffering with it and a constant sore throat I'm on the phone nearly every week to my doctor and given more Nadal sprays tablets etc and nothing working my doc has referred me again ENT and 6 months still waiting driving me mad feels like a constant cold all antibiotics haven't cleared it either

  • I was referred for urgent ent appointment regarding swollen lymph nodes for over a year in neck' I've had an ultrasound now and as was getting it done I was told it's definitely not cancer anyway ' now I've been called back to see consultant in ent clinic 'a few weeks have passed now I've to go to another appointment ' I'm just panicking why they could be bringing me back? Would anyone have an idea? Thanks