Swollen lymph node

Hi everyone,

A week ago i was rubbing my neck and felt what i thought was a spot, it was sore and red.  I noticed it didnt seem to have any kind of head on it to be a spot and it seemed to be coming more from underneath the skin, so i stupidely looked it up online i saw a lot of stuff about cancer!!! I got an appointment at the doctors and he checked all over my head and neck and could only feel the one lymph node swollen, he asked me a number of questions such as was i feeling ill? did i have night sweats? history of family cancer, etc, all of which i answered no to.  He took my blood pressure and weight which were all fine, he asked if i had been ill recently and i said ive had cough and cold on and off since decemeber but has gone now so he has put the swollen lymph node down to this and said he wasnt worried but  told me if it gets any bigger or is there after 2-4 weeks i should return..

It has now been a week and i can still feel the node, it is no longer sore and red this went after 3 days.  I am so worried that i can feel it, its smaller than a pea and is just there! I dont want it there and dont know why it is there,  this is what is bothering me so much is not knowing why it has all of a sudden popped up out of nowhere and also what the hell will happen if it is still there after two weeks! 

This is making me very anxious, and i hate feeling this way, its mostly the not knowing why it is there and is it something sinister! Dont know what to do, not sure what it is im asking here, think i just need some reassurances im going to be ok as i have two young children :(