Swollen lymph node

Hi everyone,

A week ago i was rubbing my neck and felt what i thought was a spot, it was sore and red.  I noticed it didnt seem to have any kind of head on it to be a spot and it seemed to be coming more from underneath the skin, so i stupidely looked it up online i saw a lot of stuff about cancer!!! I got an appointment at the doctors and he checked all over my head and neck and could only feel the one lymph node swollen, he asked me a number of questions such as was i feeling ill? did i have night sweats? history of family cancer, etc, all of which i answered no to.  He took my blood pressure and weight which were all fine, he asked if i had been ill recently and i said ive had cough and cold on and off since decemeber but has gone now so he has put the swollen lymph node down to this and said he wasnt worried but  told me if it gets any bigger or is there after 2-4 weeks i should return..

It has now been a week and i can still feel the node, it is no longer sore and red this went after 3 days.  I am so worried that i can feel it, its smaller than a pea and is just there! I dont want it there and dont know why it is there,  this is what is bothering me so much is not knowing why it has all of a sudden popped up out of nowhere and also what the hell will happen if it is still there after two weeks! 

This is making me very anxious, and i hate feeling this way, its mostly the not knowing why it is there and is it something sinister! Dont know what to do, not sure what it is im asking here, think i just need some reassurances im going to be ok as i have two young children :( 

  • Hi Worried1, 

    I’m a 20 year old girl with very similar symptoms to you! About 4 weeks ago a swollen, painless and moveable lymph node popped up on the left side of my neck under my jaw. Apart from feeling tired I have been okay, no sore throat or infection, but my left tonsil has been swollen the last 4 weeks along with the lymph node. 

    However in the last 5 days, I’ve now had pain in the front of my neck, it feels as though someone is strangling me, like pressing on my thyroid, it’s so weird. I’ve also had some pretty bad neck pain once again only on the left side which lasted 3 days - painkillers and deep heat didn’t even help it was that bad!

    I have a blood test next week, but can’t see an ENT till the 3rd October, so frustrating, would have been waiting two months by then. 

    I have really bad health anxiety, and this is not helping, the unknown. Every day my mind is consumed with fear, panic and worry. All I do is research symptoms. Health anxiety is such an awful thing to have, it has taken over my whole life this month. I go into my final year of uni this year and really don’t want or need this stress. 

    I know you haven’t posted for about 6 months, but did you ever find out what yours was?? I’m hoping it was nothing sinister!! 

    Would me the world if you could reply as my mind is on overdrive!! 


    E x

  • Hey Worried1 & Ells2098!

    Did you guys find out about what was causing your enlarged lymph nodes? I went to the doctor in September after I noticed an enlarged lymph node 4 weeks prior that hadn't gone away. She and another GP told me it was "probably nothing exciting". It's still there though, so I called last week and asked if we could scan it to put my mind at ease, as you're right, googling what the cause is has caused me so much anxiety & panic that I can literally think of nothing else! I am waiting for her to fill out a referral form so I can have it scanned privately as there's just no way I can wait 3 weeks!

    Mine is the size of a pea and is rubbery but moveable on the back of my neck along the hairline. It weirdly changes throughout the day. In the morning, it seems the most pronounced and when I do exercise it almost disappears. I have not been sick at all since the early spring so it's definitely not an infection (that I know about). There was one day where I felt completely stress free and hadn't touched it all all day long - at the end of the day, I checked it and it was barely there. Is it a stress node?!

    I occasionally get a bit sweaty at night (but not recently!), which has been happening for the greater part of a decade. I assumed this was anxiety related (I'm a little stress ball) but when I mentioned that to my doctor on the phone she had me come in to do bloodwork to "rule out a thyroid problem". Hopefully have those results next week.


    Update!!! I had an ultrasound on it and the doctor told me it was completely normal. He showed me the scan and said that I had a very thin layer of fat in that area, so likely why I can feel it. He said it matched the size of my other lymph nodes in my neck (about 5.8mm) and they would only take a biopsy if it was a 1cm or bigger. He also said that even he had lymph nodes that he could feel in his neck and, for some people, this is normal. Hopefully this helps others put their minds at ease!

  • Hope all was well with your scan, and hoping it was nothing at all serious, I have recently the past week had swollen lymph nodes and went to the doctors about it he checked me over but said would need to do an ultrasound scan, and said I would be referred and get a letter to be sent but the doctor did not say much, and just said it could be something to do with my thyroid but can’t help it could be something more my anxiety is through the roof sometimes making me not want to eat, I get muscle spasms joint aching and noticed a couple of small bruises on my legs. When I google it says lymphoma which I really hope it is not I suppose will find out when have ultrasound done 


    just wondering if anyone else has had these symptoms?




  • Hi there! I have had the exact same issue you are having on the left side of my throat, but it's been persistent for a while now. It flares up alot, about 5 times now. I went to the doctor and all the did was run a test for strep throat. Since it came back negative, they said I was good to go. My throat is currently flaring up again and turning white and at the slightest poke with a qtip, it bleeds. It is so inflamed and blowing right now I can barely swallow. Its actually starting to happen to my other tonsil too now, as the doctors didnt even give me antibiotics. They encouraged me to not have my tonsils removed and did not have me see a eyes throat nose specialist. I felt lost until I found this post! I hope everything went well with you!

  • Everything you have just explained I’m dealing with the exact same a node in my neck at the left side and one behind my knee with bruising in my thighs. Did you ever find out what was going on? It’s an ongoing occurancs for me my full blood work is ok apart from my platlets being raised for the past few months.

    hope you have gotten an answer x

  • Hi eleemcg

    Did you ever find out what was causing your swollen nodes? I too have an enlarged 1 in my neck and have had an ultra sound which was clear. I also have a couple behind my knee, doc just dismisses it as nothing to worry about but saying that to someone with health anxiety is pretty pointless! 

    Hope all is well xx

  • Swollen lymph node especially neck, unexplained weight loss, night sweats and fatigue. Get checked out for TB. 

    Its very badly diagnosed as people think it’s a disease of the past but you should ask your go if you have those symptoms.  Even if you had the Tb vaccine when you were a child there are many different strains of Tb and you do not neccedeyhabe a persistent cough.