would a doctor say you have cancer before biopsy results ?

Hi there

My Mum is currently in hospital. She has been there for two weeks. She has blood clots on both lungs and pain in her stomach, enlarged Lymph nodes in lungs and stomach. They did an Endoscopy on her stomach a week ago and tissue was taken for biopsy. They said the biopsy results would be back in two weeks time. Two days after the endoscopy, two doctors have told my Mum they 'think' she has either Lymphatic cancer or stomach cancer. How can they say this to someone without biopsy results ? Has anybody else had this happen to them ? She is going for a PET scan next tuesday.

Thanks for any advice 

  • hi this happened to me yesterday, I had a breast screening has I had found a lump , after the screening the doctor told me there was actually four lumps and they defo wernt cysts , she didn’t say in so many words that I defo had breast cancer but she didn’t need to , she took biopsy’s and said they would send them away to see how far it is and how we are going to treat it I thought you needed the results back first but she obv must know what she could see and feel , Bev x


    HI Blhope,

    Doctors are working with cancer day in day out and have a fair idea of what is and isn't cancerous from the beginning. I was told by my consultant on my first visit that it was most likely to be cancer, but I still had to wait for the results of my biopsy to confirm this. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer, 9 and 10 years ago. I had the same experience on both occasions.

    This will be a worrying week for you until you get your results back, but I hope that your results are not as dire as you're expecting.

    Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • am I over worrying and thinking that I’m only going to have five more years to live ? I keep reading things on the internet I can’t seem to stop myself I’m also due to go on holiday on the 14 th June do you think this is going to stop me goin my family will be so upset 


    Hi Simone,

    It has been some time since we heard from you and I am just wondering how you are doing?

    I am sorry to hear that you have decided not to have the biopsy.

    Whilst I agree that there are many lifestyle and holistic ways of treating cancer, it is easier to treat it once you know exactly what type, grade and stage of cancer you've got. Once you've got these details to hand , you can also see whether or not the changes you are following are working for you.

    Emotional and spiritual healing are all very well, but you need a bench mark to be able to see how well they are all working for you.

    I hope that you are still keeping well and, holding on to that positive attitude.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx



    Hi Bjhope,

    The way you are thinking is perfectly normal. There are so many unknowns at this stage and, you cannot really make any plans until after you get your results back. You can discuss your planned holiday with your consultant, when you go back for your results next week.

    Try your best to stay away from the internet. You don't know your diagnosis yet, so cannot compare with anything written there. We all naturally tend to think the worst, but this seldom turns out to be the case.

    I hope that you don't have to cancel your holiday, but I am sure that your familly will fully understand if you need to.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • please please please trust the doctors who have been practising medicine for 7+ years. A biopsy is not a particularly long procedure and it will give you a more definitive answer. I think I’m about to be given bad news, we’ve got children 3 and 5 years old. Me and my wife are/will doing/do whatever gives us the best chance of keeping us as a complete family as long as possible. Don’t want to be rude but don’t be a mug!


    Hi Wiggy,

    Welcome to our forum.

    I sincerely hope that you are wrong and, that your results are not as bad as you're expecting.

    Do please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,


  • Thankyou jolamine

    when  say I , I meant we. My wife is the one awaiting results and it’s heartbreaking watching this whirlwind going on around me. I’m staying positive and have my fingers crossed. We’ve got lots of support. We are going to stay strong. We can do this whatever the result because we have to. 


    Hi Wiggy,

    One of the sad things about cancer is that it doesn't just affect the individual. It affects their entire family. There are so many young families going through this torture at the moment. How is your wife coping with all that is happening? There are so many unknowns and a whirlwind of activity when first attending the breast clinic, that she will not feel in charge of all that is happening. No matter what the results turn out to be, she should feel better emotionally once she knows exactly what she is dealing with.

    If she is anything like me when I was diagnosed 10 years ago, she will be giving you a hard time emotionally. This is not intentional. It is just so hard to take it all in and, we tend to lash out at our nearest and dearest in an effort to reduce our fears and worries. You sound like a great support to her. All I can say is 'hang on in there things will improve'. It is difficult to stay positive, but do please try, as it makes all the difference to how you will both cope with a cancer diagnosis.

    It sounds as if you have started out by both being totally open about all that is going on to one another. Try to keep these doors open, as it makes all the difference in the world to have someone to talk to openly about everything.

    When are you due to get the results? Are you planning to attend this appointment with her? She will need someone with her, especially if the results are not good. It can also be a good idea to draw up a list of questions before each appointment. Your input will be helpful, as you may think of questions that she doesn't. This list will change from one visit to the next.

    I tend to type out 2 copies of this. I keep one and my hubby has the other. As I ask questions he writes down the answers, because it is all too easy to forget to ask important questions or to forget the replies before you have even left the hospital.

    I do hope that the results turn out to be better than you're expecting. Do please keep in toouch and let us know how you are getting on. We are always here for you both.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • she’s actually not giving me a hard time. She’s worried but she is being really good. I’m just throwing positivity at her. Some of it is running off. So I’ll keep that tactic. Hopefully all will be fine. 


    Thankyou again.