Does an MDT meeting mean there is reason to worry?

Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum, I am hoping to be able to talk to some people and perhaps gain a bit of insight to what is going on.

I am 26, and about 6 weeks ago had a suspicious mole removed from my upper back. This of course was sent of for biopsy. At this point I was not really worried.

Today, I finally get a bit more information from the consultants secetary in that the results have come back, however before I can be told anymore they need to have an MDT meeting. I looked into what an MDT meeting is, and searches primarily include "cancer patients".

Does this mean they have found something, or is this standard practise for all mole removals?


  • Hello davak

    Hoping you can help put my mind at rest a little..I had some uterine polyps removed 5 weeks ago and they were sent off for biopsy...the womb biopsy I had before they removed the polyps came back as normal a couple of weeks after the biopsy, however I'm still waiting for the results of the polyps biopsies. I have spoken to the consultants secretary last week and she said results were back and with consultant for signature and "plan" which got me worried as why would a plan be needed if the results were clear? She rang me today after I emailed her to say consultant is in holiday but my results haven't been discussed by the MDT yet.

    That has really freaked me out because all Google results for MDT scream cancer.  The secretary said all results are discussed but I think she is just saying that so I don't worry (pointless as my anxiety is through the roof), why are these results taking so long when all previous results have been sent to me within 3 weeks?

  • Hi MrsAA

    i was just wondering if you had heard back regarding the MDT meeting? My son is being discussed in an MDT today after blood tests and I’m going out of my mind thinking what does this mean 

  • Hi, yes I have…precancerous cells were found in a polyp and the end result for me is hysterectomy which I was going to ask for even if the results were normal..they offered me a cancellation for yesterday which I accepted but my blood sugars were too high so I was sent home again, with a view to it being done in September after a couple of already booked holidays…in the meantime they are giving me a coil although consultant seems to think that the cells were all contained in the polyp.

    So it’s not always bad news, although admittedly it could have been a bit better for me..I did email the consultants secretary the day after the MDT and she got a nurse to ring me, I wasn’t expecting her to give me the results over the phone but I was very grateful that she did.

    I hope you get your son’s results soon and that all is ok.  Please let me know x

  • What was the outcome from your meeting in the end? Just found out they're holding a MDT today for my case after saying both biopsys were negative.  Yet after that had my follow up mri, was always penciled in so didn't worry. Two days later they said I now need a ct with contrast. Not just for the original pelvic area but for my abdomin and chest cavities too. Panicking.