Complex cyst- Ovarian Cancer?

Has anyone else experienced this. I have abdominal pain, pelvic pain, heavy periods and a recurrent UTI. I had a CT scan which showed a mass in my womb, after further investigation I have a CA125 count of over 170 and doing a scan they found a 7cm complex cyst. Doctors like a gynaecologist, oncologist and a surgeon are doing an MDT? I have also got a Clinical Nurse Specialist. I am really confused to what is going on. I am 22, family history of Cancer. I don't think it is cancer, but my mind can't stop going there as I am not off the cancer 2 week pathway yet. Any advice at all what to expect? Thank you.  

  • Hello my dear ,

    You are certainly not alone in being confused about what's happening  , but thankfully the Multi Discipline Team meeting will be discussing your case soon . You can phone your CNS at anytime , but the surgeon will be telling you the details of your situation at an appointment shortly after .

    The 2 week pathway just means you must be seen within 2 weeks of the referral .... there are other targets for the hospital,  but they're not your worry .

    Make sure you have someone with you at any appointments .... and ask if you can record what's being said ..... or get a friend to take notes to look at later .You'll never be able to recall it all   especially the medical terms .

    How are you with roller coaster rides ? This is going to feel like you're on one .... but young people are really good good at dealing with problems. It will all make sense eventually . I  pray that ll goes well and that the NHS looks after you as well as they have done for my hubby  .


  • Hi my lovely,

    Thank you for your reply, it means a lot. Thank you for explaining it feels like everyone is in a rush so not much is being explained. You are right about the rollercoaster currently, between hospital appointments. I hope you and your husband are doing well, take care x 

  • Good morning  

    Just to say I'm thinking of you and hope you are doing OK. 

  • Good Morning,

    Thank you for checking in. I am okay for now. I am waiting for the results of the MDT meeting. I hope you and your husband are doing well x

  • Good morning , thanks for the update  , hoping all goes well . Just a little thought ..... our hospital has a specific day of the week for MDT meets . Do you know what day your Dr's is? The secretary will be able to tell you if not . 

    Have a good week and keep busy with positive things. 


  • Thank you for getting back to me. No I am not sure, I might give my CNS a call and see if she has any idea. Thank you I shall try, have a good week x

  • Morning, I received a letter from my consultant that was written for my GP it states a 7cm cyst that has solid and papillary features. Does anyone know what that means? x

  •  Thanks for posting. 

    Well ,   that's puzzling isn't it ? I sometimes think that they use a secret language between medics , just to confuse us   . 

    I had an 8cm "septated " cyst 10 years ago. whatever that meant.  Found by accident on CT scan for diverticulitis in July ....anyway  it was removed in early October....and biopsied  , which showed it was not cancer. 

    Maybe you could put a post in the" ask the nurses " forum on here ? Or resort to a dictionary... I think papillary means little bumps a bit like fingers ..... 

    Anyway  , I expect what it also means that you will very soon will be invited to an appointment when it will be explained by the experts  . 

    Lovely sunny day here  hope you have the same .


  • Thanks for getting back to me, I appreciate it. Yes, truly puzzling. I am glad that your cyst was not cancerous. 

    That is a good shout to put the question in the nurses chat. Thank you, the weather is better here now still a little cold, have a lovely day x

  • Hello! 
    when is your next appointment to speak with someone? Waiting it the absolute worst. I just wanted to share that my story is not too dissimilar, I have a 8x7x5 ish complex cyst. It turns out to be a dermoid cyst. Which is a lovely little gremlin type which can have teeth and hair and fatty tissue etc. I’ve seen mine in mri and it doesn’t have teeth haha. There were ladies on my post who had raised ca125 and diagnosed the same. 
    fingers crossed for speedy answers. I waited October to January after being told it was a mass, longest wait ever. Hopefully get it out this year,she’s starting to weigh me down. I’m in my 30s, told it’s very common. 
    good luck.