Hi have been through loads of testing over past seven months due to post menapausal bleeding change in bowel and lots and lots of weight loss
I have been prodded poked scanned pictured mri’d you name it basically and my doctor was sure I had cancer somewhere but we couldn’t find so we opted for a watch and wait after my last set of tests again came back negative I went last Wednesday for my smear test haven’t had one for a few years due to vaginal atrophy so Tuesday got an appointment through for a colposcopy this Tuesday apparently I have high risk hpy and cin 3 I want to know if this is likely to be cancer because of my symptoms I know you can’t say yes or no but it is likely I think has anyone else been in this position I don’t even know where I would have got hpy from I’ve been married for 37 years surely it can’t lay dormant for that long as never had a positive result before any info would be appreciated thanks for reading