Should I be worried?


a week or so ago I noticed a red mark on my breast, thinking it was just a rash or something I’ve been putting on sudacream and savlon but nothings happening. It’s a bit scaly around that area too.

tonight I’ve noticed on the same breast I now have a dent and kind of flattening of the breast tissue (if that makes sense).
I’ve taken a photo as best I can to keep an eye on it but I can’t sleep and I’m worrying myself. Should I get this checked out do you think? I’m female- aged 38.

thank you in advance for any advice 

  • Hi Deeegeee668 I would most definately make an appointment with your doctor.  I too noticed a dent in my left breast not much of a lump though.  I went to the doctor and it did turn out to be cancer.  Now I am not saying that yours is but it is so much better to get it checked out and for your peace of mind.  That was twelve years ago.  Good luck and make that appointment. Lee x