I’m currently 16 years old, and I’m constantly scared I have cancer.
Particularly breast and lung cancer. Before my period, I usually have breast pain and cramps. Whilst this is normal for me, I constantly panic and think I have breast or ovarian cancer. I’m constantly checking my breast to the point I make them feel sore, which makes my anxiety worse.
I have two lumps in the same place on both my breasts, and though I think they are just the anatomy of my breast, I keep thinking they are tumours. They aren’t sore unless I touch them continuously, but they are kinda tough which worries me. But, because I never checked my breast when I was younger, I can’t say for certain I’ve always had them.
A lot of my family are also smokers, so I’m always worried that the smoke due to second hand smoking will cause me to develop lung cancer. I also have shortness of breath, but I think this is more because of anxiety than cancer.
I’m also terrified of cancer treatment, since it seems so difficult mentally and physically. I’m scared of losing limbs and my hair.
I know the fear of losing hair is a little silly, cause it grows back! But, I love my hair cause it’s a part of me, and I think it’s just awful to lose it without having a choice. And how awful it must feel to see it slowly fall out. It is like the salt in the wound on top of everything else that comes with cancer. And, the thought of people and my family see me in such a vulnerable position makes me feel sick.
This fear is usually triggered by seeing content related to cancer, looking up symptoms and just any minor change or pain in my body.
I know this site is meant for people dealing with cancer treatment, but I felt this would be the best place to get advice?