2 week urgent referral - Breast

I have found a small lump in breast and GP sent me for 2 week urgent referral.  I am now in a waiting game for the appointment but I am so worried and it seems to have taken over my thoughts and struggling go not just curl up and cry.

how do people cope, I have told my husband but will not tell anyone else until I know more. 

sorry about posting but just wanted some where to ask what I should expect on the appointment, will they tell me anything in the appointment or will it be more waiting.

  • I went to my appointment on Christmas Eve. It’s nerve wrecking I won’t lie. My manager had done it last year and she advised me to bring someone with me to the appointment for support which I’m glad I did. You will first get to see a consultant and they’ll ask you questions and do breast examination then they’ll send you to the radiology department for mammogram and ultrasound. They will discharge you on the same day if they don’t find anything to worry about. There is a chance they will do a biopsy during the ultrasound and you’ll have to wait for the result to come back. Your consultant will book a follow up appointment for you. I’ll get my biopsy result tomorrow and I’m very worry and it’s natural to be. Do not google anything it will spike up your anxiety 10 times! Hope you get your appointment soon I got mine within a week of seeing my GP.

  • Hi Tongvb,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. Waiting for results is one of the most stressful times of our cancer journey. I am glad to hear that you should get your biopsy results tomorrow and I hope that nothing untoward is found.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • I had my results today and it’s benign! I’m very relieved and just want to say to everyone here that it’s not always bad news but it’s hard not to assume it is. If you find it very difficult ask your GP to prescribe a short term anxiety relief. The support on this forum is amazing and you’ll always find someone to answer your questions or listen to your worries. I hope your result is ok JoJoBlue a lot of women have gone down this path and many are ok so keep busy and be positive xx

  • That is great news.

    I have been reading posts and agree it has been very helpful and today focussed on work which really helped me keep my mind going down a negative spin.

  • Hi Tongvb,

    I am delighted to hear that your results were benign and I expect that this is a great relief to you. One interesting fact is that, although most of us go into an emotional tailspin, as soon as we're referred to the breast clinic, only 20% of those who attend get a cancer diagnosis. Not all lumps are cancerous. Many end up being benign cysts, fibroadenoma or naturally lumpy breasts.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi JoJoBlue,

    A very warm welcome to our forum, although I'm sorry to hear why you're here.

    I believe that Tongvb has given you an accurate account of what to expect at your appointment. Don't worry about the "2 week urgent appointment". This is normal, where there is any suspicion that it could be breast cancer. The wait to be seen is always a worrying time and we can become over emotional during the wait. Don't worry about crying, as this is a good stress reliever. Most people don't tell anyone, other than their partner, until they know what the results are. If you need a biopsy, which many of us do, you may have to wait another 1-2 weeks to be told anything.

    Staff at these clinics are usually very understanding and helpful. Of all the people who attend the clinic, 80% will get a benign diagnosis. I sincerely hope that nothing untoward is found during your consultation. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you.  I am waiting on the appointment which I hope to get next week.  I actually have a weeks holiday in Florida booked for 25th Jan, and not sure what to do, but will wait see date of appointment.

    i have found having a good cry helps me.