I hope this message finds everyone well.
I'm not really sure if I should be on here, reading all your stories and comments thinking should I post this but I think I will in the hope for some peace of mind and I hope its ok to do so.
5 weeks ago I found a lump in my left breast. I went to the Dr's and she felt it straight away and said wait 4 weeks and for another cycle if its still there we should investigate. This lump is below my nipple and IS mobile. A week later, I found more simular feeling lumps under my bra line, from one side to my sturnam. I went to the Dr's again yesterday and she said she can feel 3 lumps in my breast, one same position and other 2 are in the crease of my arm and armpit, fairly mobile again. The lumps under my breast have now increased (since yesterday) and go down to the bottom of my ribs, there are about 8 or 9. I have had pain in my left side of torso and under my armpit and I just feel abit worried.
Can anyone relate? Help with any suggestion? The doctor reffered me for a ultrasound and did it for under the 2 week mark but she said there is still a covid backlog so may take longer.
Thank you. We'll wishes to all x