Lumps on left breast


I hope this message finds everyone well. 

I'm not really sure if I should be on here, reading all your stories and comments thinking should I post this but I think I will in the hope for some peace of mind and I hope its ok to do so.

5 weeks ago I found a lump in my left breast. I went to the Dr's and she felt it straight away and said wait 4 weeks and for another cycle if its still there we should investigate. This lump is below my nipple and IS mobile. A week later, I found more simular feeling lumps under my bra line, from one side to my sturnam. I went to the Dr's again yesterday and she said she can feel 3 lumps in my breast, one same position and other 2 are in the crease of my arm and armpit, fairly mobile again. The lumps under my breast have now increased (since yesterday) and go down to the bottom  of my ribs, there are about 8 or 9. I have had pain in my left side of torso and under my armpit and I just feel abit worried. 

Can anyone relate? Help with any suggestion? The doctor reffered me for a ultrasound and did it for under the 2 week mark but she said there is still a covid backlog so may take longer.

Thank you. We'll wishes to all x 

  • Hey there. On the 1st Dec I found a dimple in my left breast. Next day I went to the GP and on the 10th Dec I went to the breast care unit. They found an 18mm lump and an abnormal lymph node. I am now waiting for the results and have got to wait until 7th Jan. 

    i’m worried about breast cancer but I am more worried if it has spread as I have had back pain in the top left of my back,  a numb arm and cough since Sept. 

    The waiting is so draining mentally as I am self employed so had to carry on as normal and not told anyone as I dudn’t want to spoil their Christmas. 

    So I relate totally xx 

  • Hey. Thanks for your reply. So sorry to hear what your going through and I'm so sorry you have to wait this long, must feel like a eternity. 

    I have also had the arm pain and back lower back pain, aswell has shoulder blade ache. Not sure if it's related. Just feeling generally unwell st the moment. Sending you possitive thoughts and hugs. I hope your results are what you need to hear and fingers crossed for possitive results. 


  • Me too, found a lump 13th Dec, went Dr's on 15th and 23rd Dec had 9 biopsies metal clips inserted and they found another lump and a mid shaped lymph node. The lump I found is cancer and the other 2 are unsure. Go on Friday for all my results. It's been a huge shock and I am petrified. I would chase the referral up if your worried. The waiting is the worst part.

    Take care xx

  • My gosh I am so so sorry to read this. Sending possitive thoughts to you. Was your lumps movable or hard and didn't move?

    What is your plan now? Sending love x 

  • Hi no it didn't move, was quite firm and was high up on my breast plate. I go on Friday and I will find out everything then. 

    Sending best wishes to you too xxx