
Hi every one I’m due for a colonoscopy on Tuesday I’m feeling really scared don’t really feel.upto the procedure as I really suffer with stress and anxiety but I know I need to do this  I have been feeling as if I need to poo but some times it’s just reddish pus and feeling very gassy but because of feeling I need to poo I’m always in the bathroom , been having problems for a while now. I thought maybe I just had internal piles but when I went to my gp doctor couldn’t see or feel any thing so did a fit test which came back positive  so I was referred for a colonoscopy  I’m so scared of having cancer  not looking forward to the bowel prep  I think your all a lot braver than me   Xx

  • Hi tangoPotter..just saw your message to James.. sorry if I'm butting in but.. 1st of all it's not TMI surely this is the place to offer and get support and advice

    When anyone strains to have a B.M it can cause bleeding even for those without any colorectal issues..

    It can be very alarming .. the bleeding usually stops when you stop straining or when motion is passed.. 

    The vital thing is to keep motion easily passed,  through keeping well hydrated and sometimes with laxatives.. many people are prescribed laxatives by their specialist .. I have a friend with bowel cancer..she is prescribed laxatives but waits until she feels constipated and then strains to pass motion..I have tried so many times to explain that taking the meds before she gets problems is important but...

    I use wipes and zinc and castor oil cream after every BM... the damage caused to the anus/sphincter can lead to fissures which are very sore and can bleed..

    You need to take extra care of your bottom much the same way as we do with a baby.. nappy rash etc..

    Take care xx

  • Eastendgirl thank you for your reply I haven’t had the blood this bad before it was alarming to see as I call it real blood   Feel a bit scared of going to toilet now  then you think is my tumour got worse probably me over thinking again  xx

  • I know you're scared and that can make the problem worse, if you wait/don't go to the toilet the motion will be harder to pass.. do you have a specialist nurse caring for you it is helpful to talk to her about the situation.  When a tumour is low in the bowel, motion can be trapped behind it, making it more difficult to have BM...this is the case for my friend..which is why it's so important not to become constipated ... please get it touch with the Nurse or consultant in charge of your case, they will be able to offer reassurance  x

  • The rectum and intestinal tract generally are very blood rich so small tears can produce a lot of volume of blood. My brother was passing a lot of blood, went to a&e, but it was a fissure and hemorhoids. What you're going through, tango, is really scary and symptoms should be reported and examined. I'm just saying that it can appear a lot worse because bleeding is so scary from there, especially when you have a tumour. I hope you find that it is a benign tumour when the biopsies come back. It's really hard what you are all going through. Though I wish you were all healthy and not going through this I'm glad you've got each others' support.

  • Lyns/21 thank you for your reply  I was told my tumour is a malignant one so I’m so hoping it’s treatable when every thing comes together biopsies and scans it’s all a waiting game x

  • Eastendgirl I don’t seem to have a nurse and I don’t know who is in charge of my case so I feel a bit in limbo at the moment. Maybe when I have the scan next week I will know who is in charge of my case I don’t have any one at the mo.  Xx

  • It seems like you have been waiting a long time and if you think the bleeding has got worse you should let them know ,especially as you still have another week to go ,they won't mind at all if you ask their expert advice in fact they'd rather you did .

  • A small amount of blood in water or on toilet bowl/tissue can look alarming,  I agree with you.. many years ago I had an impacted bowel..the bathroom looked as though a murder had been committed from the blood splatter.. absolutely terrifying..

    As you say a fissure/ internal and external haemorrhoids when they bleed can be very alarming..

    Lots of care, support and understanding here which is vital for us all..

  • that case please contact your G.P  practice who will have all the details of your diagnosis.. they will be able to offer support and advice.. if you haven't been assigned a nurse as yet then your practice will have N.P or ANP who may not specifically trained in cancer care but they are Nurses ..

    ( NP :  Nurse Practitioner  ANP : advanced)

  • Eastendgirl thank you for your reply I guess if I need advise then your right it would have to be my gp I just seem to be having things done at different places  my colonoscopy was at a clinic not too far away from me  then I was told my scan would be at one hospital then that was changed to another hospital so every thing just seems here and there at the moment  xx