
Hi every one I’m due for a colonoscopy on Tuesday I’m feeling really scared don’t really feel.upto the procedure as I really suffer with stress and anxiety but I know I need to do this  I have been feeling as if I need to poo but some times it’s just reddish pus and feeling very gassy but because of feeling I need to poo I’m always in the bathroom , been having problems for a while now. I thought maybe I just had internal piles but when I went to my gp doctor couldn’t see or feel any thing so did a fit test which came back positive  so I was referred for a colonoscopy  I’m so scared of having cancer  not looking forward to the bowel prep  I think your all a lot braver than me   Xx

  • Hi Tango

    Great minds! I was just thinking of you.

    Perhaps you could call the cancer nursing team at your hospital (if they have a similar set up to mine?). Mine have been so helpful and able to update me on what's going on and give me numbers to call to check on scans etc. 

    How are you feeling? The waiting is tough, isn't it? Like others have said.

    Thanks for asking about me. I have a PET scan very swiftly scheduled for this Wednesday, then it'll be back to the MDT and they'll put the plan together bases on what they find on the PET. Seems like either some oncology first or straight to surgery.

  • James4000 the waiting is really hard. If I don’t hear about getting a scan tomorrow I will ring them as I hope they haven’t forgotten me  it’s two weeks tomorrow when I had the dreaded colonoscopy and the not so good news the biopsies should be back by Wednesday as that will be two weeks that’s if they do come back on time  but I know I need the scans before any thing can be done  thank you for the thought I was thinking about you too wondering how things are going. Are you eating better now  I’m trying to eat a little more  how’s the b m I’m still passing mucus and only small b m I guess it’s all part of it all  keep us posted  on your journey aand your progress  x

  • Hi Tango

    Hope you get updates on scans soon. Did you call them in the end?

    I'm ok with eating now, more or less, but worried if I'm being too relaxed on it and sometimes getting cramps. Had some occasional pain in lower abdomen, feels like around bladder but not sure. Maybe constipated a little. I'm checking with Dr and nurse today. Last thing any of us need is an extra complication.

  • Hi tangoPotter and James4000...

    Been watching your updates and thinking of you both..

    5 weeks since my colonoscopy and biopsies taken.. told waiting time is 18-20 weeks.. I wasn't given any diagnosis at the time of the colonoscopy.. this obviously is different from the 2 week timescale you were told at the time of your procedure and diagnosis..

    Take care, sending to you both x

  • Thank you,  . I'm grateful for your support and kind words.

    I very much hope that no news after 5 weeks and the timescales they've told you suggest a different and less problematic finding for you.

    I'm at the Dr now just for them to check there's nothing else awry. I think they're worried about me getting "blocked up" and that causing this recent discomfort. I still have BMs though, so I'm hoping that's not the case now, and that with treatment likely starting fairly soon it won't become an issue. Maybe I just ate too much or too much fibre yesterday or something.

    Fingers crossed. It's been (relatively speaking) quite encouraging news recently, so I'm trying to stay positive. Could really do with things to trend in the right direction

  • Hi James4000...I'm keeping everything crossed for you..positive thinking is vital for us all,  not always easy but very important..

    Re my timescale for results.. I agree with was my G.P who  my cough and breathlessness and queried whether it was related to my asthma.. he actually said.. I think you have bowel cancer  no preamble just right out there...

    Take care,  sending positive vibes

  • James 4000 hi James I get the same as you I have smal bm but lots of wind and some times like you I get a bit of disscomfort across the bladder area just hoping not getting blocked up but I was told if you can pass wind there isn’t a blockage  good luck James my thoughts are with you 

  • Only me folks...

    Cooled boiled water is great for dispersing trapped wind... same remedy as used for colicky babies..

  • Thanks. Do you mean to drink?

  • Yes.. really helps..boil, cool and sip throughout the day