
Hi every one I’m due for a colonoscopy on Tuesday I’m feeling really scared don’t really feel.upto the procedure as I really suffer with stress and anxiety but I know I need to do this  I have been feeling as if I need to poo but some times it’s just reddish pus and feeling very gassy but because of feeling I need to poo I’m always in the bathroom , been having problems for a while now. I thought maybe I just had internal piles but when I went to my gp doctor couldn’t see or feel any thing so did a fit test which came back positive  so I was referred for a colonoscopy  I’m so scared of having cancer  not looking forward to the bowel prep  I think your all a lot braver than me   Xx

  • Your definitely not a baby, I've had a few down days lately, finding it hard to go to the toilet, my tumour is popping out, bloody pop out for good please x I can't be operated on as yet as  mine is too close to a gland,

    I'm going to have to phone and see if what I can do as I don't want to constantly take laxatives as I need to have a loo close by

  • You have the same symptoms as myself, I had 10 biopsies but had sedation so I don't know if that's why I didn't have any pain x 

  • Readytobeat hi it’s awful I can constantly feel tumour in my bottom it’s annoying when I need to pass wind it bleeds fresh blood not always when I need to poo it’s just so runny constant feeling of needing to poo I guess it’s the pressure fed up of the feeling  I felt down yesterday I cried  I might have to take laxatives  she said to keep poo soft and chew your food  don’t eat potatoes with skin on  hope you things feel a lot better for you. Lots of love 

  • You're not a baby at all. You're a strong, amazing person going through an incredibly stressful experience.

    As some others have commented, maybe see if you can modify your diet? Avoid fibre without getting too full on with that. 

    I have the issue others have said. Passing blood and mucus quite often. Needing a BM much more often, either due to some bleeding or because I can only really pass small bms due to the tumour restricting things. It's unpleasant and always a little alarming, but I suppose it's the body's way of dealing with the issue. Does anyone know if that sounds correct?

    I have my 2nd scan (mri, i think) tomorrow. Apparently my biopsy and 1st scan results are with the hospital now, bit I don't know anything yet. Praying that it will prove relatively straightforward once they've analysed it all.

  • James4000 thank you for your comment  I get fed up of constantly feeling the need to do bm but I don’t always go some times it’s just wind and blood  I only pass small amounts maybe due to where the tumour is placed  just hope it doesn’t cause a obstruction very loose bm every time  it is alarming. I dread going to toilet.  Hope your managing to eat a bit more  

  • It's bloody awful, my bum is on fire, I do eat now, I didn't at the beginning but that was because I didn't feel like eating as I was worrying about my results

    I'm. Going to have to phone and ask for advice as I can't keep taking laxatives, I don't want to be stuck in the house, as when the start working I need to run to loo as quick as I can 

    I've got 6 sessions of chemo, then radiotherapy, then they will operate, fingers crossed if it's shrunk, then more chemo 

    I can't go that length of time constantly taking laxatives x

    Not sure where you live but where I have my treatment they have a drop in centre that gives help and advice, family and friends can go too, ive been meaning to go all week but don't fancy constantly running to the loo

    It's called Maggies, look online for more info x

  • Readytobeat my backside feels hot and sore  I have the really loose motions  never solid but then they want me to take laxatives don’t know why unless the tumour is partially blocking I’m scared of a blockage I’m constantly going to loo when I stand up with gravity I feel the need to go but only pass wind with blood at times. Scarey you get fed up of this feeling. Are you the same  I live in Leeds West Yorkshire 

  • Thanks Tango

    Yes, I'm eating much better now. Thank you for asking. I think it was the stress and anxiety more than anything. I tend to get a bit of stomach cramps most days for a short while, but find lots of extra strong mints, peppermint tea, chamomile tea and sometimes a hot water bottle do the trick.

    I've still lost a few pounds of weight, which is worrying, but I think maybe I've stabilised that a bit now I've got some of my appetite back.

    I have similar to you in feeling like needing more BMs and then only passing wind and a little fluid sometimes (blood, mucus or poo).

    It's all rather unpleasant. One thing I've found helps just to be more relaxed about a sudden 'escape' (usually a bit of blood) is to use a cotton pad (you know the ones, like a few cms across, for remov8ng makeup etc) and some microporous tape (get it all in Boots etc). I just tape a bit on my bum and try to get on with my day.

  • I hope you get good news,  . One would imagine if they're making you wait weeks, it's hopefully a minor and treatable issue, relatively speaking. But any of these issues are unpleasant and worrying. Hoping for the best for you.

  • My treatment has been fast tracked and to be honest I haven't been told a lot only what treatment I'm having

    I'm hoping that when I go to Maggies next week someone can advise me, my next treatment is in 2 weeks time,

    I was told it would be every 2 weeks but for some reason it will be 3 weeks between 1st and 2nd treatment

    They have a Maggies centre near the hospital