
Hi every one I’m due for a colonoscopy on Tuesday I’m feeling really scared don’t really feel.upto the procedure as I really suffer with stress and anxiety but I know I need to do this  I have been feeling as if I need to poo but some times it’s just reddish pus and feeling very gassy but because of feeling I need to poo I’m always in the bathroom , been having problems for a while now. I thought maybe I just had internal piles but when I went to my gp doctor couldn’t see or feel any thing so did a fit test which came back positive  so I was referred for a colonoscopy  I’m so scared of having cancer  not looking forward to the bowel prep  I think your all a lot braver than me   Xx

  • Oh goodness, a year?

    So happy yours is treatable. I have been immediately worried that because mine isn't small it may have been there ages and therefore spread and have become top complex.

    I imagine every case is unique,  but your example gives me hope.

    Right now I'm struggling to remain calm. I know my anxiety is making me ill. I am struggling to eat. Just about getting 1k calories. I suppose that's not unusual. Especially as I only had the procedure today so feel a bit tender everywhere 

  • I struggled too, I spent 2 weeks after my colonosphy just breaking down, I needed to know what was going on inside my body, I needed answers there and then but they had to do more scans, ive had 4 in total, still waiting for the results on my liver scan 

    Once I had the diagnosis I felt "relieved"

    I knew what was going to happen and what treatment I was to have

    Had a call 2 days ago to go for more blood tests and I start my treatment tomorrow 

    It's hard not to worry, if you need to cry, bloody cry

    Hope you don't have to wait too much longer xx

    The waiting is the worst, but I've now got to be positive xx

    I do have a lot of support from my family, and my best friend, that has helped me too

  • Hi I’ve got plenvu not looking forward to it  thought of it makes me feel sick just hope I can take it  you would think with all this technology they would have some thing a lot easier to take  

  • I hope it goes well for you, Tango. The bowel prep is not pleasant but you can do it.

    Hoping and praying for you for a good outcome.


  • Thank you as ever for sharing. Yes the unknowns must be hard for everyone. And i am someone who struggles with things I can't influence (not in a horrible, manipulative way :) ) 

    The colonoscopist told me right away it was cancer, so at least I didn't have to wait on that. The tests are now booked. CT Scan on Monday 13th..MRI on Sat 11th, so I guess as fast as they could realistically be? My wife has been amazing- she chased up radiology to get an appointment. After the initial shock (I told her immediately) for us both, she is being an incredible rock and a force of nature. I am blessed.

    I'll keep trying to follow your example and advice, and hopefully get more determined each day.

    I hope your treatment starts well tomorrow. Are you having chemo initially? Ill be thinking of you and praying for you.


  • Yes chemo starts tomorrow, think it's 6 sessions, then radiotherapy, operation then more Chemo, 

    It's seems ages away from 1st December when I had my colonosphy to tomorrow when I start my Chemo, seems so unreal as I feel "normal"

    Won't tell you not to worry as that's all I did until I had my first outpatients appointment when I was told everything, it's gets a bit "better" then as  you know what treatment you will have xxx

  • I must be strange lol as I didn't mind the taste, mine was lemon flavour which I  love anything lemony, my friend didn't like the taste though

    Can you add a bit of squash to make it more palatable, I'm sure I was told you could x

  • You really would think there'd be something easier and better ti take ,the first time they gave me  Moviprep  I thought that was bad enough but Plenvu was worse for me and its 2 different mixes ,the first lot I managed to keep down the second flavour I did not but like I said it must have still worked as they did the Colonoscopy ,I suppose I should have informed them that I hadn't had the second lot but I wasn't going to be doing that again lol 

  • Hi jenny3109 I’m having my prep to night  it’s plenvu just hope I can take it all I feel so sick at the thought of it  but I can only do what you can.  Had nothing to eat today so that doesn’t help  take second lot at six in the morning  be glad when it’s all over. I have afternoon appointment really scared of it all my nerves are all over the place.  Then you worry after all that what they might find.  Did every thing go ok for you 

  • Hi like you say just do what you can ,try at least to have the first lot and see how the second lot goes ,I suspect the first lot will do the trick it did with me because as I say I got half way through the second lot and I felt ill but I had a morning appointment so I had it all on the night before ,,its a weird taste its sort of like drinking salt and sugar at the same time that's how I described it to my hubby , anyway like I said I still went and it was fine and they tell you the result on the day so no waiting ,mine was fine ,I hope you get a good result ,let us know how you get on ,good luck .