Hey. Have read through some of the posts but I’m struggling with waiting for results.
presented at GP with some odd symptoms - persistent change in stools for over 3 years on/off but this bout had been ongoing for 8 weeks. Also fatigue, dizziness. shortness of breath. Bloods and stool samples taken - found to be severely anaemic (heamoglobin 56) but no sign of bleeding. Also calprotectin at 256. Given massive iron infusion at A&E and referred for colonoscopy/gastroscopy.
that was completed on 12th Oct (my birthday!) - polyp found, too large to remove. Biopsy taken. Now waiting for results. I have a CT scan on Weds.
im struggling to think about anything else Right now (as well as still being incredibly tired from the anemia). I guess at 42 I just didn’t expect to be thinking about this potential at this time in my life and finding positivity is a challenge. Any advice to help get my mind straight?! All thoughts welcomed!