Waiting waiting waiting

Hey. Have read through some of the posts but I’m struggling with waiting for results. 

presented at GP with some odd symptoms - persistent change in stools for over 3 years on/off but this bout had been ongoing for 8 weeks. Also fatigue, dizziness. shortness of breath. Bloods and stool samples taken - found to be severely anaemic (heamoglobin 56) but no sign of bleeding. Also calprotectin at 256. Given massive iron infusion at A&E and referred for colonoscopy/gastroscopy. 

that was completed on 12th Oct (my birthday!) - polyp found, too large to remove. Biopsy taken. Now waiting for results. I have a CT scan on Weds. 

im struggling to think about anything else Right now (as well as still being incredibly tired from the anemia). I guess at 42 I just didn’t expect to be thinking about this potential at this time in my life and finding positivity is a challenge. Any advice to help get my mind straight?! All thoughts welcomed!

  • Welcome to the forum Daniel although I'm sorry to hear about your symptoms and the struggle you've been having waiting for your results.

    As so many of our members will tell you, waiting for results is one of the hardest parts of this process, so you are not alone, and I'm sure it won't be long until some of them stop by to offer their support and advice.

    I hope you'll find some of the tips we have on how to cope with waiting for news useful, but if you would like to talk things through with one of our nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5pm. They're very easy to talk to and will all that they can to support you and put your mind at ease.

    We hope your CT scan goes well today Daniel, and we'll have our fingers crossed for good news when the time comes.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator