Hi guys,
My right nipple has changed in its appearance quite drastically over the last few months. The nipple/areola looks like it’s being pulled UP as opposed to being inverted. Almost like the whole area is shrinking / disappearing. The areola/nipple almost appears wrinkled but lifting.
No pain or discharge etc but a very obvious change in the appearance. Went out with friends last weekend wearing a backless top (no bra!) and all 3 sort of shrieked when they seen me asking me when I got my nipple pierced! I didn’t, my nipple just looked absolutely deformed through my top!!!
That was the last straw and so I attended the GP this morning. They’ve obviously referred me in on the 2 week rule and reassured me this could be a million different things including ageing changes (I’m 35 F). I just wanted to query if anyone else had a similar presentation and what was your experience?