I'm so worried my partner had very high psa in April , but had only just had any symptoms , so couldn’t have known before,that there was a problem.
he was referred to urology nurse in May , and diagnosed with prostate cancer at this meeting, she was a bit unhelpful, and didn’t take any notice of what my partner said
he was told that he would have the following would be needed before treatment started
bone scan
flow test
and Pet Scan -
pet scan in mid August on he started on biclutamide - he had been told not too take before the scan
The time scale has been dreadfully slow and the pet scan results have only just come on 4/9/24 and show that the cancer has spread to lymph glands so not able to be cured, only controlled for a short time
previously he had been told that it was confined to the prostate and that area and could be treated
He and I are extremely worried and devastated about this situation
and wonder if this will make a good outcome impossible
and so concerned that this delay has meant that treatment won’t be possible and that before he sees oncologist again and chemotherapy starts it will have spread further
and it’s nearly 5 months ago since initial diagnosis and no progress with treatment
we don’t know what to do