Oesophageal cancer

I was wondering what experience people have had of some of the symptoms of oesophageal cancer,

I have had a persistent cough for such a long time (over 12 months) and on and off reflux symptoms. I have brrn taking omeprozole 40mg for years now. I also get on and off chest pain and pain lower down (top of my abdomen) and also in my throat. I feel as though I have a lot of mucus at the back of my throat that I need to clear (this is relatively new) I am completely out of energy and recently learnt that I am anaemic. I also have very loose stools (for the last week) and feel quite out of breath. I have had heart checks.

I’ve had endoscopy’s in the past and all been clear.

i am worried now that something will be found in the endoscopy and keep reading too Much into my symptoms. I guess when anything goes in for so long, it’s concerning.

Any words of wisdom will be helpful.

Many thanks all

  • Hi Rafi, 

    A warm welcome to our friendly community! 

    I am sorry to hear you have had these persistent symptoms for a while and I can understand why this is worrying you at the moment. It's reassuring though that all the endoscopies you have had in the past have been clear but it would be good to get to the bottom of what is causing these issues and I hope that you will get a bit more clarity soon and that further tests will be able to shed some light on what is going on. 

    It can be tempting when not knowing what is wrong to look for answers by looking things up online but this will only create more uncertainty and will not give you an accurate indication of what might be causing these symptoms. So however tempting it might be to try and find out more about your symptoms, it is best to wait until the medical experts have evaluated them and given you a clear diagnosis. Waiting is not easy though as many of our members will know too well and we have helpful tips to help you cope while waiting for news. 

    I hope that you will also hear from others on our forum who have had similar symptoms before as it helps to talk to others who have been there in the past. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you that it all turns out to be nothing of concern. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you so much for replying to my post. 

    I have the endoscopy on Monday/tomorrow but just don’t know if I can go through with it. I’m terrified that something will be seen that is concerning and I hate the feeling that someone sees this before me (if this makes sense?!)

    the endoscopies I have had have been many years ago so surely these would not have picked up abnormalities if thery weee related to my symptoms now?

    I am too scared to eat Incas I can’t swallow or cough a lot and I can’t imagine tolerating having a tube placed down my oesophagus.

    You have been so kind - thank you!


  • Hi Sophie, 

    I just wanted to send you a million positive vibes ahead of your endoscopy tomorrow. I know it's a scary prospect but it's important that you go through with it. What you say totally makes sense but having the endoscopy will give you a chance to get a diagnosis and sort these symptoms out by understanding what is causing these issues. 

    So I know the thought of having this endoscopy is not the most pleasant for you but it is an essential diagnostic tool. Do tell them about your fears before the procedure - they will be used to dealing with patients who present similar symptoms to you, who are also scared of eating or who can't swallow and are coughing a lot so try not to worry too much if you can; you will be in good hands and you will feel relieved when it is over and you can then just wait for your results to come through. 

    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow! Best of luck and if you get a chance do come back and let us know how it all went. 


  • Offline in reply to Rafi

    Endoscopies are horrible, but unless they know what is wrong they can't treat it. I was diagnosed about 6 weeks ago and thought this was it, but the oncologist said he was going to treat it as curative not palliative. I could have hugged him. He gave me hope. Since then I have had a CT and PET scan, a dose of chemo and am on oral chemo. My next chemo is on 27th September. Don't give up hope, take whatever they suggest and offer. Our NHS is fantastic. Good luck with your treatment 

  • Offline in reply to Jill_M

    Thank you so much for your reply.

    in so glad your consultant is taking this approach.

    I had a CT scan back in November of my abdomen area to investigate my ongoing cough but nothing came up.

    it’s just the not knowing that is so hard- as you well know. Did the medics carrying out your endoscopy talk to your after and tell you what they had found?

    This is the part that kills me- someone knowing something that I don’t. 

    all the very best with your treatment. Are you having surgery? Did you have your symptoms for a long time?

    sending lots of love and well wishes your way! 

  • Offline in reply to Rafi

    Hi Rafi, I have Barretts Oesophagus so have 3 yearly endoscopies.  That is where they picked up my cancer.  They spoke to me and my husband and told me at the time what she had found and what would happen next (she even gave me a hug).  I was contacted the next day by the GUI nurse who rushed through a CT scan within 3 days so they could discuss it at their next meeting.  I didn't have any symptons so it came as a shock.  I'm sure if they found anything nasty they would tell you.  My people have kept me fully informed all the way through so hopefully yours will do the same.  My cancer is inoperable so fingers crossed that the chemo works.

    Stay positive and take all they offer you.  You will beat this x

  • Offline in reply to Jill_M

    Thank you for your support and I wish you all the very best.