I was wondering what experience people have had of some of the symptoms of oesophageal cancer,
I have had a persistent cough for such a long time (over 12 months) and on and off reflux symptoms. I have brrn taking omeprozole 40mg for years now. I also get on and off chest pain and pain lower down (top of my abdomen) and also in my throat. I feel as though I have a lot of mucus at the back of my throat that I need to clear (this is relatively new) I am completely out of energy and recently learnt that I am anaemic. I also have very loose stools (for the last week) and feel quite out of breath. I have had heart checks.
I’ve had endoscopy’s in the past and all been clear.
i am worried now that something will be found in the endoscopy and keep reading too Much into my symptoms. I guess when anything goes in for so long, it’s concerning.
Any words of wisdom will be helpful.
Many thanks all