Possible breast cancer

Good morning 

I went to the GO 2 weeks ago because I found a lump in my right breast. I’m 47 years old my Gp referred me to the breast clinic through cancer pathways I’m there this Thursday 5th September I’m so s red since seeing the GP I have more lumps and some are very painful especially near my armpits. I know you can’t diagnose me but does this sound like cancer? I’m extremely anxious . Thank you for taking the time to read my post 

  • Hi Jolamine 

    thank you for responding 

    I have a lump on my armpit , cant see it, just feel it with my fingers, Gp refereed me urgently

    anyone here with armpit lump ? What it can be 

    sorry if I sound stupid , just I am too scared , my sister had bc a year ago,she’s fine now , I didn't recover yet from the news about her , it was so bad , I couldn't take it , shes 43 only, Im 47 

    I feel horrible 

  • Hi Grimes how did you get on? Here if you need to talk I know the adrenaline and worry can knock you. 

  • Hi Grimes,

    If they can diagnose you on the day they will. In most cases, if a biopsy is needed, this can take 2-3 weeks for the results to come back. I hope that all went well for you this afternoon.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Grimes. I hope you are ok. Please reach out if you need to talk x

  • Offline in reply to Bear3

    How did you get on at your appointment  ? 

  • Offline in reply to SharLou

    Hello sorry meaning to reply.  I've got cysts they drained one so glad nothing serious but thank you for all your support.  My anxiety still bad now though think its been the stress getting very sweaty.  

  • Offline in reply to Bear3

    Ah that's fabulous news! So chuffed for you. You're bound to still feel stressed as it's such an anxiety provoking experience. Just be kind to yourself and allow yourself to process it all

  • Offline in reply to SharLou

    Definitely think its the stress from this experience thank u for your kindness 

  • Hi Lulebore,

    You are not at all stupid. This is always a scary time. I am sorry to hear that your sister was diagnosed last year, but glad to hear that she is fine now. I had lost my mum to breast cancer before I was diagnosed, so understand your concerns. I have since had 2 bouts of BC myself, but that was 14 years ago now and I still lead a busy and fulfilling life. Many people here have had lumps under in their armpits. It is impossible to say what these are, until some tests have been carried out, so here's hoping that you'll be seen soon at the clinic.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Update 

    Hi everyone, after a torture waiting for 7 days , Today I went there to breast clinic ( urgent refer ) Good News, everything okay! I was refered after finding a lump on my left armpit, today , the Doctor did examination , and he felt some lump in the right breast, I was petrified , Dr ordered Mammogram snd ultrasound for the left armpit lump, and right breast I mention above, everything was okay  both me snd my husband were so so scared, my husband seamed positive at home but in there he was so lost, I felt so bad , I felt bad for him , I will never forget how I felt and the look on my husband face 

    but just wanted to let anyone here know that I was almost dead and everything turned out to be perfect , so please try to not think like me , try to stay positive a little bit , my lump on armpit was painless( which I was scared) my right breast feels a bit of pain to the touch because I do have dense breasts ( thats why i guess). 
    thanks to Jolamine and Laura xx

    All the to everyone!