Possible breast cancer

Good morning 

I went to the GO 2 weeks ago because I found a lump in my right breast. I’m 47 years old my Gp referred me to the breast clinic through cancer pathways I’m there this Thursday 5th September I’m so s red since seeing the GP I have more lumps and some are very painful especially near my armpits. I know you can’t diagnose me but does this sound like cancer? I’m extremely anxious . Thank you for taking the time to read my post 

  • It's not 100% certain yet that's what it is but everyone seemed confident and calm about it. Will know for sure on 16th. My right breast seemed to have quite a few cysts from the ultrasound. 

    Mine was just a single 2cm lump upper middle quadrant of my right breast. Found on a self examination. Found it a week before my cycle started. Seemed to go down a bit when my cycle started. No other symptoms.

    It's ok to be anxious it's such a weird period of limbo between appointments and tests you can't help but think the worst. I was sobbing like a baby through the mammogram and ultrasound thinking the worst.

  • Hi lovely no I haven’t been given antibiotics. Thank you so much for your kind words and I will xx

  • Hi they found a lump under my breast and at the top they’re quite big, occasionally painful I’m anxious too and was referred urgently I’m there tomorrow. We’re here if you need a chat xx

  • Hi xXLauraXx,

    I am glad to hear that all seems to have gone well at your appointment today and I am delighted to hear that your consultant and radiographer both suspect fibrocystic changes. We are often sore for a while after a biopsy. I hope that the pain doesn't stop you from sleeping well tonight.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx 

  • Hi Grimes,

    It is unusual to have pain with breast cancer, However redness and heat can signify infection. This can usually settle quickly with antibiotic treatment. I shall be thinking of you on Thursday and hope that you find a simple answer.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Lulebore,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you are waiting to get an appointment for the breast clinic. Don't worry about the "urgent" referral. Most breast problems are referred under the 2 week "urgent" referral system. 

    It is only natural that you are anxious about the possible findings - we all get worried. Of all the people, who attend the breast clinic, only 20% will get a cancer diagnosis. many end up with a diagnosis of benign cysts or fibrous changes.

    Whatever you do, while you're waiting, try to avoid consulting "Dr Google". Much of the information there is out of date, poorly researched, won't give you any answers, but will scare you even further. I hope that your consultation comes through soon and that all will turn out well.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx (14 year survivor of 2 bouts of breast cancer within in year)

  • Good morning, Thank you so much for your reply and lovely comment  I’m there this afternoon so I will keep you updated do they tell you the results on the day? 
    kind regards 


  • I got the mammogram and ultrasound results as they thought they were there in the room. If biopsy is needed that can take two weeks it seems.

    They give you a pretty good idea what they suspect if they are anything like the hospital I went to.

    Got my fingers crossed for you today hoping you get positive news too xx

  • Thank you so much I’m so scared I haven’t slept all night. I’m just so worried xx

  • Offline in reply to Grimes

    How did you get on at the breast clinic? My appointment tomorrow