Possible breast cancer

Good morning 

I went to the GO 2 weeks ago because I found a lump in my right breast. I’m 47 years old my Gp referred me to the breast clinic through cancer pathways I’m there this Thursday 5th September I’m so s red since seeing the GP I have more lumps and some are very painful especially near my armpits. I know you can’t diagnose me but does this sound like cancer? I’m extremely anxious . Thank you for taking the time to read my post 

  • I'm in a similar situation. Im 40 I found a lump last week in my right breast about a week before my period went to doctors who checked both and found a 2cm round lump in my right breast. Did bloods which are clear and a 2ww referral to screening clinic. Got the appointment through for the 4th and I am absolutely terrified. It's the first one I've ever found and doctor wouldn't give me any info they didn't even tell me the size I had to find that put from the NHS app. I have moments like now where I'm ok then moments like last night where my thoughts run out of control and I can't help but think the worst. With our ages it could just be normal hormonal and breast changes. I can't tell you not to worry as I'd be a hypocrite but here if you need someone to worry with and go through the worry together.

  • Thank you so much for your reply, I had an hysterectomy 4 years ago it could be hormones. I really wish you the best of luck and I’m here for you too. What time’s your appointment on the 4th? Mine 14:10 on the 5th. I never knew it told you in the app I’ll have a look, I’ve literally cried today it feels like my right breast is on fire and it’s painful please please keep me informed 

  • Mine is 10:50am on the 4th. Going with my husband and father in law who is offering his support. 

    You could possibly just have infected or inflamed tissue from hormone changes. It's easy to jump to the worst thoughts and forget the mirad benign things it could be.

    End of last year I was in the same worry boat with my head. I developed tinnitus in just one ear suddenly and convinced myself it was a brain tumor. For six months between the MRI and the results I was adamant. Then I got a hospital appointment and that just convinced me yup brain tumor I'm done for. Specialist sat me down said everything was ok and sent me on my way   so had six months of constant worry for what was a two second conversation in a hospital

  • Awwww bless I’m so sorry you’ve had so much worry. I will be thinking of you. You’re right you always think the worse your mind goes in to overdrive 

  • Today is the day. Been up and down for last few days. No sleep last night so going in this morning hormonal and tired. 

  • Good morning darling, being anxious is a horrible thing I really hope the news is positive. Please keep me updated wishing you the best of luck and sending huge hugs  

  • Hello Grimes , you are mentioning the redness ,soreness and heat .Hopefully this is an abscess or a cyst .Try and stay positive . Have you had antibiotics for the heat ? Keep us informed and all the best xx

  • Hiya Hun. Just got done with mine. Surgeon and radiographer seemed confident it was fibrocystic tissue but they have taken some biopsies to make sure. Get my results appointment on the 16th now. 

    It is scary but the girls there are so comforting even while I was sobbing.

    I'm in some pain now but I'm gonna chill and try and catch up on sleep.

    Let me know how you get on tomorrow lovely xx

  • Hi sugar, awwwww that is amazing news I am so pleased  fingers crossed biopsies come back normal. You chill out with a big bar of chocolate you deserve it I will let you know my lovely xx

  • Hi Laura , sorry if I disturb, can I ask please what was your syptoms ? Lump ? Where , Im so happy for you that its fibrocystic , Im also rrefered urgently to the breast clinic , I am anxious