High risk HPV and borderline changes in squamous cells

Hi everyone,

I’ve just joined so I can talk about this because I am worried sick. I had hpv on my first smear (no idea if it was high risk) but then went back for a smear one year later and have high risk hpv and borderline changes in squamous cells. I’ve done the stupid thing of googling it. I already have severe health anxiety so I physically can’t help myself googling everything as I’m trying to look for reassurance and I can’t stop until I find it. I have my colposcopy tomorrow and I’m so scared about the results. I’m scared that they will find something bad. I’ve seen people talking about hpv and abnormal changes but I’ve not seen many about high risk hpv and the only things I’ve read online about high risk and abnormal smear does not help me whatsoever. I just want reassurance as I’m making myself physically ill with anxiety and panic and I can’t stop crying.

  • Hi, Ive had HPV in the last 3 consecutive smear tests , I had to have a colposcopy in February this year they took 3 biopsies had a phone call 2 weeks to tell me I have cin2 precancerous lesions, 2 days later I was having them removed with LLEZ treatment every thing went well. yesterday I had a smear test because it’s 6 months since the lesions removal and if HPV is still present i will have to have another Colposcopy, cervical cancer is virtually 100 treatable and it takes decades for cells to be come cancerous 

  • I’ve had CIN 3 then a few years later CIN 2. Had treatment meant and all good since then, that was 18 years ago. 
    Not a nice experience but the testing is so advanced that it actually prevents cancer. Please don’t worry too much. X