4/5 biopsy waiting results. Escalated worse case scenario in my head

Hello ladies, just need to communicate with someone.

Routine mammogram found grouped califications 1.5cm left breast radiologist rated 3/5. I had concerns of right breast and so had ultrasound and found suspicious area rated 4/5. (Not picked up on original ultra sound, due to dense breast tissue). Followed up with more detailed mammogram. Biopsies of both taken. Breast nurses spoke to me in a way that it is cancer......reading between the lines!

I am going out of my mind. I can't speak to friends and family as I dont want to worry them and can't risk my son, who lives at the other side of the world finding out by word of mouth. I live with my partner but he can't handle stuff like this and goes into ultra chirpy mode and behaves like nothing is wrong, which doesn't acknowledge my feelings. 

I have escalated this in my head to worse case scenario and I am going absolutely potty. Anyone else had radiologist grade 4/5 which turned out to be benign? Any advise, shared experiences appreciated.

Thank you so much  

  • Hi BeetrootBaby,

    How are you feeling after the news sinking in? 

    It's still surreal for me. I think once more contact starts with the hospital, it will finally sink in. 

    That's interesting about the metallic injection to trace lymph nodes! I haven't had that. I think they are doing that on the day of the op with me. I missed this part of the conversation but my boyfriend remembered. Ooo it sounds painful! 

    I can't settle until I know it's not in vessels and nodes. Need to stay positive and trust. 

    Not sure about you, but after the biopsies, I am having weird fluttering sensations in my boob's. Maybe it's tissue/muscle spasms. 

    That's good that you op is soon! That's about within the guideline time wise. Mine is 10 days over the 31 day guideline. I guess the surgeries are very busy. My surgeon seems quite chilled. 

    Have a lovely weekend x

  • Morning, I’m feeling okay thanks - much more settled now that I know the plan. 

    At my biopsy the nurse said you could get weird sensations/pins & needles for quite a while afterwards, so sounds like that might be what you’re having?

    Did they give you the option to bring forward your surgery if there’s a cancellation? I said yes please! It’s been quite a while since my first mammo - I got the recall letter the day before I was due to go abroad to see my mum, who’s very poorly, so I didn’t feel I could not go! So that put me about 2 weeks behind schedule anyway….

    I have about 3 pre-op appointments booked in for the next couple of weeks, so it feels good to have some movement.

    Take care xx

  • Hi BeetrootBaby, hope you are OK and just thought I would check in to see how you are and apologise for the delay in replying. For some reason, I thought I had replied last - must be my crazy brain. 

    I am sorry to hear your Mum has been poorly but good that you got to see her. Hope all is OK. 

    How did your pre ops go? I have mine tomorrow and think they are inserting the metal seeds. 

    How are you mentally? I have been mostly OK but I have a swelling at my neck and irritation at my clavicle and worried myself stupid about that. The nurse over the phone reckons it's not connected. Visited the GP who has requested a non urgent ultra sound. 

    Wishing you all the best for your op on the 10th.

    You are in good hands  


  • Hi, no need to apologise! I have my mag seed procedure tomorrow morning, so once again we are timing twins!

    I had pre-op blood tests last week, which showed I have low vitamin B12 so I also need some booster injections at my GP. Just praying nothing gets delayed - I have been okay mentally as we’ve been away for a few short breaks that were booked months ago, so that has given me something else to focus on, but I think it would be really hard to stay positive if there’s a delay.

    I hope your swelling turns out to be nothing - I know, it’s so hard not think everything is related!! I’m trying not to google what can cause a B12 deficiency as I think my diet is pretty good  

    Take care and I’ll message after the op, eek!

  • Hi BeetrootBaby, 

    How are you the day after your Op? Was thinking of you yesterday. 

    My last appointment was just pre-op it turns out the magseeds are being implanted this Friday. Feels an age away until my Op. 

    Hope you are recovering well. Well wishes to you x 

  • Hi there, thanks for thinking of me. I was in and out in 4 hours - quite amazing. I feel okay, just a bit tired today so taking it easy. My surgeon was going to do a LICAP recon at the same time, but apparently the tumour wasn’t where they thought it would be (??) so he ended up doing a mammoplasty instead - instead of an incision under my armpit it looks like he’s cut around the nipple. I am a bit freaked out by it tbh - but the breast care nurse couldn’t really answer my questions today so I think I’ll have to wait for my results appt next Thursday to ask my surgeon.

    How are you getting on? Sorry you’ve had to wait for your op. Have you told anyone else? I’ve told my siblings but under strict instructions not to let my mum know, and my kids know but they’re handling it ok.

    Also, are you on FB? I’ve joined a private group on there called UK Breast Cancer Support Group - lots of women going through the same thing and v supportive. Would be great to see you there (my surname rhymes with LUMP if you did join!)

    Are you having a lumpectomy/magseed on both sides? The magseed thing was much easier than the biopsy and the trace, although they did have to do a mammogram straight after to check it was in the right place, so that was a bit grim. 

    Take care and good luck on Friday xxx.


  • Hello brave lady, 

    Glad to hear you are feeling OK. No wonder you feel tired. Trauma, body invasion and GA to boot.

    Interesting re. Mammoplasty. If its ok to ask, what size and position was your tumour? Thats if you know, if they didn't even know?? Bet it feels good to know the sneaky thing is cut out now x I guess it's a 2 week wait to hear about the lymph node biopsies. Fingers crossed, all OK. 

    My boob's still feel weird and painful from the biopsies. I  just don't even want to touch them. Yes mag seeds and lumpectomy to both sides, flipping heck. I have been having horrible thoughts about how they will look after. 

    Thank you for the fb group recommendation. I submitted a request to join. My surname is in my profile name on here. I told my son straight away, although he lives in Singapore I didn't want him to find out 2nd hand through other people. I didn't trust it wouldn't get out. Most of my friends and family know now. One friend, bless her, had 3 friends tell her this kind of news in the space of a couple of weeks. 

    Hope you recover quickly  I will let you know how I get on x 

  • No prob to ask - they said it was 25mm and seemed to think it was kind of in the outer edge nearest my armpit - that’s why he thought he could take a chunk from under there and fill the space made by the lumpectomy. But actually it turned out it was more further along under my nipple, so took it out and moved some breast tissue around to fill the space. So that boob is looking a bit perkier than the one on the right! I’m just worried there were two tumours and maybe the magseed was put into the one they didn’t spot first time around, if you know what I mean. They definitely took the biopsy from the bottom left - aaargh, starting to overthink it again, but hopefully I’m wrong!