4/5 biopsy waiting results. Escalated worse case scenario in my head

Hello ladies, just need to communicate with someone.

Routine mammogram found grouped califications 1.5cm left breast radiologist rated 3/5. I had concerns of right breast and so had ultrasound and found suspicious area rated 4/5. (Not picked up on original ultra sound, due to dense breast tissue). Followed up with more detailed mammogram. Biopsies of both taken. Breast nurses spoke to me in a way that it is cancer......reading between the lines!

I am going out of my mind. I can't speak to friends and family as I dont want to worry them and can't risk my son, who lives at the other side of the world finding out by word of mouth. I live with my partner but he can't handle stuff like this and goes into ultra chirpy mode and behaves like nothing is wrong, which doesn't acknowledge my feelings. 

I have escalated this in my head to worse case scenario and I am going absolutely potty. Anyone else had radiologist grade 4/5 which turned out to be benign? Any advise, shared experiences appreciated.

Thank you so much  

  • Hi Foxyfrox and welcome to the forum, although I'm sorry to hear about the grouped calcifications that were found in your left breast and the suspicious area on your right.

    I know this must be a very scary and worrying time, but our members are here for you Foxyfrox and I'm sure it won't be long until some of them stop by to share their experiences and advice.

    Waiting for news is always tough but we have a team of very supportive and insightful cancer nurses you can talk things through with on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very easy to talk to and will do all they can to answer your questions and put your mind at ease whilst you wait.

    We're thinking of you Foxyfrox and we'll have our fingers crossed the biopsy results bring good news when they come through.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Steph, I appreciate your reply. Thank you

    I get my results on Thursday 15th. I told a friend yesterday which hasn't made this any easier tbh. Thursday can't come quick enough. 

    Fingers crossed for good news  

  • I'm sorry telling your friend hasn't made things any easier but I'm glad you don't have much longer to go now.

    As you say, Thursday can't come quick enough and we'll be here to support you whatever the outcome.

    Do let us know how you get on if you feel it up to it, and remember that we'll always be here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi, can I be your Results Day Buddy? Also waiting for biopsy results on Thursday (provisional booking made by Breast Clinic was Wednesday but the hospital where I'll get the results - different location - called to move it to Thursday ugh.) I was in shock when I went for mammo recall/ultrasound and SAW the bloody thing on the screen.  I couldn't even bring myself to ask anything - so I really have no idea to expect. I was hoping it if was benign they would just ring and cancel the appointment but we're rapidly running out of time for that scenario.... What time is your appointment?

  • Hi   yes, please   , Thanks so much for your message. 

    It's one big shock! Hope you are coping with the wait until Thursday. 

    My appointment is 14:50 what time is yours? Are you taking someone with you? I haven't asked my other half but he is working from home that day, so hopefully will come with me.

    I think they still like to see you face to face, even if it is benign, as I read that in some cases, it's better to be removed. Did you get any indication of the possible outcome of the biopsy? That might be a good sign? I felt like I was being prepped for bad news. 

    Love ya profile name! 

    Let's cross all our fingers, toes, eye, legs, arms ha ha that we are OK x 

  • I’ve never really thought of myself as an anxious person but this has floored me a bit. I had to ask my GP for some pills to help me sleep - having just a few nights of proper sleep over the last 2 weeks has helped a lot.

    My appointment is at 3.20 so just after yours! They really didn’t say much of anything but I think that’s because I probably very clearly didn’t want to know and got out of there as quickly as I could: “la la la I’m not listening”.

    I’m taking my husband with me - hopefully if I clam up again, he will be able to ask some sensible questions if it’s bad news.

    All digits crossed for you and me and everyone else in this horrible position! 


  • Good morning, hope you managed to get a good night sleep. 

    It's alot to take in so it's not surprising how our brains work during this kind of thing.

    In my biopsy appointment I was behaving like a 3rd person, like it was not happening to me and I just refused to believe it was real. I think the nurse was a bit surprised with me as I reacted like she had just told me 'it's possibly a cold' 

    I am taking my partner with me. Bless him. He is like my Earth Angel. 

    Hope you manage to have a decent day today and will be thinking about you tomorrow. 


  • Hi Foxy, I hope you had good news - or at least if it was bad news, you feel better knowing one way or another. I got a cancer diagnosis but I feel quite positive - caught it early and they used the word ‘curative’, so I can’t really ask for more. Thinking of you xxx

  • Hello x 

    I am so glad it's an early diagnosis for you. Me too! Both breasts unfortunately and 2 different cancer types weirdly. 

    Hearing the words 'treatable'and 'curable' definitely helps. Mine is invasive and sensitive to oestrogen. Awaiting a test results regards HER2. Hoping that is not positive. 

    Are you booked in for lumpectomy? Followed by radiotherapy? Mine is 25th September. Just hope they don't find it in the lymph nodes. 

    It kind of feels a bit of a relief finally knowing. Hope you are OK We are lucky that it's found early. 

    Thinking of you too and it would be lovely to continue to connect through this xx 

  • Gosh, what are the chances!?! That is quite boggling! And so lucky the second one was picked up after being missed in the first ultrasound! Glad it was all found early for you too.

    I’m also er positive and awaiting results for the her2 thing - lumpectomy and then radiation and then meds for 7 years.

    The doctor injected some metallic stuff into my nipple so they can trace it to lymph nodes at the same time as the op and take samples for testing, but currently they don’t think it’s spread. That hurt like anything. The nurse said it wouldn’t be as bad as the biopsy but it was much worse!

    My surgery is booked for 10 Sep. Would def like to keep chatting as we go through this xx