After my colonoscopy the doctors words were a blur but indicates serious and cancer , had ct scan mri and cpex in morning, weds is mdt meeting then I assume I'll get an appt to see what's happening , I have never been as scared in my life .
After my colonoscopy the doctors words were a blur but indicates serious and cancer , had ct scan mri and cpex in morning, weds is mdt meeting then I assume I'll get an appt to see what's happening , I have never been as scared in my life .
Morning g sorry to read this, it is a very scary time not knowing. My daughter who has only just tuned 27 finally got an urgent referral for a colonoscopy within 2 weeks. She had been seeing her go with symptoms since 2017. They put it down to hemarroids as she was so young they did not think it coujd be a tumour. She was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer in September last year. She has had 6 rounds of chemo ut thus has not shrunk her tumour enough to have surgery. So more chemo tablets this time and radiotherapy . I will be thinking of you please let me know when you get the appointment xxx
Thank you for your quick response. Hopefully I will hear soon. I am in scotland so not sure of our wait times.
You have been a wonderful support for your daughter. I really wish I had someone who could support me. I am so trying to not over think it however, it is all I have been thinking about. I am so glad the gp I saw got me to do fit test. I only went because of no control of my bowels. In chatting ith the gp I realise now how many symptoms I have.
I hope your the next lot of treatment shrinks your daughters tumor enough so she can have her surgery. I wish GPS would not take age into it, surely its the symptoms that are important.
Look after yourself to. That's important.
Hi Christine, takes me back to last July reading your post , everything for me was a 2 wk timescale but like you say scotland could be different , I had colonoscopy on 28th July and got diagnosed on 14th Aug but they did say suspected cancer at the time of colonoscopy , I had 4 rounds of chemo and surgery , my only symptoms were blood in poo ! I have hopefully my last visit to consultant tomorrow as there's no lymph node involvement and no more treatment needed , I hope all goes ok for you , I did have lots of support but the biggest support is on here to be honest , friends and family are there but it's good to chat to people going through the same they understand more going through the same , keep intouch thinking about you xxx
Thank you for your response. I am so happy it has worked out well for you and no stoma required. My main worry is who will look after my 2 cats plus, the stray who looks like he is moving in, I also have a few stray visitors.
My sister lives close by but she has heart failure (after 4 heart attacks, not suitable for scents or surgery) she is also recently registered blind, her husband and their daughter help support her.
I am trying to stay positive and hope its just diverticulitis. Scary when gp says it could be cancer but I already knew that. 2 weeks isn't long to wait for colonoscopy. I am at the stage where I just want to know.
Sorry for jumping on your thread. Xx
Don’t say sorry for joining the chat, this has helped me so much. I know it’s not happening to, but I wish it was me not my daughter. Xx
Hi everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve posted and haven’t felt like talking about my experience.So this is an update of what’s happened to me. I was due to have my third round of chemotherapy on 16th January but when I had my oncology appointment my oncologist postponed for a week as I had been constipated for three days. She gave me laxatives to take and if I they did not work by next day I had to go to hospital. That night because of pain I was taken to hospital and spent the night in a+e then moved to a surgical ward. That afternoon I was taken to theatre to have my bowel tumour fitted with a stent because it was getting bigger. I was very scared as they were only giving me sedation which was the most painful procedure I have ever had done.
Fast forward 3/4 hours i was screaming the ward down with excruciating pain and finding it hard to breathe. I then collapsed with what they called a peri-arrest the period before going into cardiac arrest. My husband and I were then told that the stent had caused the tumour to rupture inside my bowel and that my husband was to contact family to get to the hospital. I was told that I needed major surgery to save my life. Friday 17th January I woke after 7 hrs in surgery in intensive care with my husband at my side and then the surgeon came into the room to say that they removed everything and they had sent everything to pathology for testing which would take three weeks. I was also given the news that I had to have a stoma fitted and cannot be reversed. I was so upset and very emotional and honestly did not know what to do with this news but then remembered that it had saved my life.
I stayed in hospital for 4 weeks and have been home for two weeks. I am still on strong pain relief and starting to get on my feet with going out for very short walks with my husband. I will need to have another operation when I have recovered from this as I have a tiny spot on my liver that will need to be removed at a different hospital in Scotland.
Hi that is an awful lot to go through , so glad to hear you are on the other side now although you still have another op to go , hopefully see light at the end of the tunnel , must have been a very scary time for you and your family , sending lots of love and thinking about you..take care xxx
Hi Christine, I have been missing for a while from the chat which I have just posted about explaining what has happened to me recently. I am so sorry to hear about your news. I can honestly say after my colonoscopy on 3rd September last year when they told me the had seen an abnormality I knew what it was. I had been unwell for the past year thinking it was my irritable bowel syndrome, but something felt different. I got the diagnosis on October 16th that it was a rectal tumour. You will have so many questions and scenarios playing around in your head but that’s how most people feel until they get a diagnosis and then a plan of action on how they are going to treat you. Once you start your treatment you feel better as something is being done for you. I stayed positive and did lots of meditation and positive affirmations which really helped especially after my recent trauma. I am here if you need to talk anytime. Xx
Willow6, I have just read your update. I am so sorry for all that you have been through. Thankfully they have saved you. Please take extra care. Xx
I was putting my symptoms down to IBS thats why I put off going. When I started having no control I decided too big a change. I am a positive person, I am just really wanting to know what I am dealing with.
Take care everyone. Ty for the wRm welcome to the forum no-one wants to to join. Xx
How did your appointment go? Xx