After my colonoscopy the doctors words were a blur but indicates serious and cancer , had ct scan mri and cpex in morning, weds is mdt meeting then I assume I'll get an appt to see what's happening , I have never been as scared in my life .
After my colonoscopy the doctors words were a blur but indicates serious and cancer , had ct scan mri and cpex in morning, weds is mdt meeting then I assume I'll get an appt to see what's happening , I have never been as scared in my life .
Hi not sure where message has come from lol ok on last chemo , scans on 5th Dec, hope you're OK x
Ooh, sorry, I just realised one needs to page along. It is nice to see you two have been chatting all these months, Beaumont and Nannynic.
It just won't go away, will it? Such helplessness. Very frustrating. Hugs.
I'm feeling quite positive that it will go away..well after surgery, sending hugs too x
That’s great it is so soon. Hope it goes well and you have your surgery soon and this is all over for you xx
Hi my daughter had her 3rd round of chemo Wednesday that have reduced the fuse and she is better this time round. I am currently away in Marrakesh xx
Of course it will. Sorry. It just seems to take such a long time. Thanks for the hugs (I am not biopsied yet and I think at worst it will be pre-cancerous), appreciated x
My daughter has coped better this time. I am away flew to Marrakesh Wednesday with the girls xx
So glad to hear it , you have a well deserved chill and we will catch up when you're back xx
I could do with some Marrakeshness, but I haven't been well enough to travel for years. Nothing to do with cancer. There are lots of other horrible things around too (and they do not go away), but cancer (or cancer-scare) brings its own, unique and intense pressure. You seem to be coasting well, Beaumont. Nice to see. I hope it feels the same inside.
Coasting well now. Clearly you were not coasting well at the beginning. Quite a journey.