Waiting for Biopsy results - Womb/Uterine

I am a first time poster.  I went for a Hysterectomy on Thursday.  I had a ultrasound including an internal in March and was advised my uterus was showing as 30mm they said at the time they would fast track me but I have been on a 22 week waiting list until the end of last month when my GP asked for a fast track again and so had my appointment this week (it was 20 weeks since my initial scan).  After Thursdays procedure the Consultant brought me into the office and said he had serious concerns about what he saw.  When I said "it is Uterine cancer isn't it" he said "I have serious concerns, I am fast tracking your biopsy".  I have significant pain in the area which spasms at times on the left side.  My feet are very swollen ankles and top of my feet I am unsure if this is related.  

As you can imagine I am in bits, I cannot sleep, do not want to eat and do not know what to do with myself.  I am trying to stay calm but it is so hard.   When I first heard what he said I was somewhat relieved, I have always feared that people were putting me to the bottom of the pile and considered me a time waster or a hypochondriac, for months before my initial scan I had been bounced from blood test to Iron tablets back to blood tests and even been told I should go on anti-depressants because my excessive tiredness was probably as a result of depression. 

I suppose I am just wanting to ask others, when you were fast tracked how long did it take to get your results? he said no more than two weeks but he did say he was fast tracking.  But also just want to get this out, it is hard waiting, it could well be it is an easy fix problem but his face kind of said it all. 

  • Offline in reply to Lola60

    Feel free to contact mw if you want to offload x

  • Offline in reply to JEK12

    Thank you. My fear is if it's cancer it's spread and I'm done . My biggest fear. I feel stupid cuz not even had my biopsy !. I think my pain in left side is making me think the worst tbh. Thank you for your help x

  • Offline in reply to Lola60

    My friend went through this a few months ago and it wasn't cancer!!!  Lots of other conditions that it can be...  Even the strongest and most positive of people would feel and act the same while waiting... BUT having been through this and come out the other end a much stronger person for it..  My life is very different now with the regular checks etc...  But every time I have a twinge or pain my thoughts go straight to cancer!!  But so many people are cured from cancer now... 

  • Offline in reply to JEK12

    Yes you are right and I keep telling myself this . I need to start and think positive . Thank you xx

  • Hi. Just seen your post & im a similar age to you. I’m waiting for my ultrasound which is tomorrow & I’m an absolute wreck. I live alone, can’t eat or sleep, I just can’t stop thinking it’s going to be a death sentence as my mum died of womb cancer at a similar age to me. Will I get the ultrasound results straight away or do you have to wait? I really wish I’d never r gone to the Drs in the first place as I felt fit as a fiddle. I had one bleed which was for around 15 minutes a week ago. I do t want to know but doing this for my son . Any info would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi Tracy, They don't tell you anything at Ultrasound and you have to wait for the results which take about 2 weeks. The waiting is just awful and once I was told my womb was 14mm instead of a normal 4mm , Fear set in.The consultant said not to worry and it will be fixed if worst scenario.  I didn't sleep much for the first 2 weeks after results. Fear and worry but tbh making myself ill will not change anything sadly.  I have an appointment for hysteroscopy 16th February  as I am going for a General which added a bit of time on but I felt after reading some reviews I would be better off going this route. My pre op is this wednesday so I am getting there.

    I have lower left side cramps which is making me feel even more anxious . Again worrying aint going to change anything. If I can give you one tip, please don't go on Dr Google as I did and i was panic striken, if there is anyway you can private message me in FB then please do. or private message me here? if possible. x

  • You did the right thing by going to the doctors and remember we can still be ok and be worrying for nothing so try to keep calm. easier said then done, i know this. !! we will get through this !!, xx

  • Offline in reply to JEK12

    Thank you for your kindness. The waiting and wondering is the worst. i would love a full night sleep without going to bed with low thoughts. How did you deal? xx

  • Thank you Lola. Sadly I did go on google, big mistake. I’m in for the ultra sound tomorrow afternoon, I’ll admit I’m petrified. The C to me as always seemed like a death sentence which I now know it isn’t but you’re mind goes crazy when this happens. I really hope goes well for you, I truly do. Can I ask how old you are & if you’ve been through the menopause.? Seems from what I’ve read it happens mostly after the menopause. My mum got womb cancer & refused any treatment, she died which is why I think the worst.  
      I don’t have fb but would love to keep in touch, it’s my first time on here so I’m unsure how to private message.. 

    Only thing that’s helping at the minute is going to work as it’s a busy environment so does help take my mind off it. It’s been this weekend I’ve been bad & spent the days in bed. Thanks so much for your reply, much appreciated & please keep in touch xx