Indeterminate Liver Lesion


This is my first time posting here, and I'm seeking some words of wisdom or reassurance. Recently, my partner had slightly elevated ALT levels, which led to a routine ultrasound. The ultrasound revealed a 3.2 cm indeterminate, solid lesion on his liver. All his other tests came back normal, and the ultrasound didn't show any other abnormalities. He is now on an urgent two-week referral for additional cross-sectional imaging, with a consultation scheduled for Wednesday, July 24th.

It's also worth noting that he has a fatty liver, but generally, he is very healthy and fit, regularly monitoring his health without any prior concerns. Has anyone had a similar experience? Apologies if this isn't the right place to post, but I am incredibly worried and can't eat or sleep since receiving this news.

Thank you in advance.

  • Oh that is fantastic news, I am so pleased for you both!

    You can finally relax and both get on with living your lives again, without the worry hanging over you.

    All the best


  • Hello Annie,

    How are you? How is your recovery going?

    I am thinking about you and truly hope you got your answers and it was also a positive outcome. 

    All the best.


  • Hi Justyna

    I am plodding along thanks, still cannot believe how sore I am inside.  I am 4 weeks post-op today, hubby says that I have improved alot, I guess I am just impatient.  However, I dont think that anything is wrong, it just takes time to heal, I was told it could be 3 months before I recover fully.

    Still no news whether it was malignant or benign, I am waiting for my follow up appointment (they did say between 4-6 weeks).  However, I am still fairly upbeat and quite confident it will be ok.  The main thing is that it has been removed, even if it turns out to be cancer, for a primary tumor that is the desired first treatment if possible.

    Now, as happy as I am that you have checked in on me, you need to be enjoying your lives now that you dont have that worry hanging over you, not checking into a cancer forum!  :-)

    Go and have some fun!

    All the best
