Indeterminate Liver Lesion


This is my first time posting here, and I'm seeking some words of wisdom or reassurance. Recently, my partner had slightly elevated ALT levels, which led to a routine ultrasound. The ultrasound revealed a 3.2 cm indeterminate, solid lesion on his liver. All his other tests came back normal, and the ultrasound didn't show any other abnormalities. He is now on an urgent two-week referral for additional cross-sectional imaging, with a consultation scheduled for Wednesday, July 24th.

It's also worth noting that he has a fatty liver, but generally, he is very healthy and fit, regularly monitoring his health without any prior concerns. Has anyone had a similar experience? Apologies if this isn't the right place to post, but I am incredibly worried and can't eat or sleep since receiving this news.

Thank you in advance.

  • Hi Justice1

    I also have an indeterminate liver lesion, mine was also picked up by an ultrasound following blood tests for another issue, all of my bloods were within range apart from my ALP liver reading.  I have had a ct scan and also an mri scan, but they are still not able to be sure whether it is benign or malignant.  Mine is very large (11cm x 6cm x 6cm) and close to the main blood supply into my liver, so after a mdt meeting they have decided to go straight to surgery to remove it and will then test it to hopefully confirm it is benign.

    From what I can gather lesions are very common on the liver, usually a ct and mri can confirm if they are malignant or not. It is good that your partner is fit and well and good blood results.  From what I read on the subject it is quite unusual for primary liver cancer to occur unless the patient has had history of heavy alcohol use or has very advanced liver disease, which would normally cause their bloods to be alot higher.  That is what is keeping me sane at the moment, staying hopeful that it be ok!

    The waiting for scans and results is tough, try to keep busy and not get too worried. 

    All the best


  • Dear Annie,

    Thank you so much for your kind response and I am really sorry to hear about your own struggles. I truly hope the further investigation will rule out the malignancy. I agree,the uncertainty makes it really hard to cope. I am an over thinker and my mind takes me to very dark places. Your message gave me some hope and I wish you all the best.Please keep me posted once you have some answers.

  • Hopefully your partner should get some answers next week at the consultation.  I found 'The British Liver Trust' quite a good resource for getting information, without scaring yourself to death with 'Dr Google'!

    I have my pre-op assessment next week and should be in for surgery with the next couple of weeks.  Unfortunately it has to be open surgery not keyhole, so I will have a fair old recovery ahead of me.  Its crazy to think its in there, I have absolutely no symptoms whatsoever, so I just class myself very lucky that it has been found!

    Good luck with the scans and consultation.  Try not to over think, this can unfortunately take a long time to get the answers.  I think to myself that until someone tells me otherwise, this is benign!  You can end up driving yourself mad otherwise.  My ultrasound was on 22nd May so you can see how long these things can take.

  • Thank you for your advice, I am aware I should change my mind set or try to distract myself. Hopefully we will have some answers soon. We are also considering private consultations but from what we have seen so far it doesn’t seem the things are moving much faster. Good luck with your surgery and I am wishing you a quick recovery. All the best.

  • Hi Justice1

    Hope that you are holding up ok, did your partner get any news from the consultation on the 24th?  I am hoping that it was good news and hopefully benign.

    I had my pre-op on thursday and have been deemed fit for surgery, which should be in the next 2-3 weeks.

    I'm keeping everything crossed for you!

    Best wishes


  • Hi Annie,

    Thank you so much for thinking of me.

    Well,the appointment on 24th got cancelled. In the meantime they put an MRI with contrast forward and we are currently waiting for the results. Also yesterday we received a letter to make some blood tests,which will happen tomorrow. The waiting is just driving me insane. Over the last week I was relatively positive given the circumstances ,but today wasn’t a good day and I couldn’t stop crying. I keep everything crossed for you as well. Hopefully your surgery will go smoothly and I am wishing you a very quick recovery.

  • Oh I am sorry to here that the consultation got cancelled, however at least the mri scan has been done and they are doing more bloods.  Hopefully when you do get the consultation, they will hopefully have the full facts in front of them to tell you what is going on.

    Sometimes we need to have a good cry and release the pressure before we can pick ourselves up and carry on.  I hope that your partner is coping with the waiting ok.  I sometimes think that it is harder for the loved ones, feeling helpless, I know that my husband is really struggling with the not knowing.  I am doing lots of walking at the moment to ensure my heart and lungs are ok for the op, I am dragging hubby out with me, I am finding that the exercise is really helping both of our moods.

    I keep everything crossed for you that you get good news when you get the results.  Please let me know how it goes, its also good for anyone searching the forum at a later date for answers to have a conclusion to our stories.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Annie,

    We are also doing a lot of walking lately,it seems to be the only thing that helps us to lower slightly the tension. Waiting doesn’t help,especially given that I am an over thinker. My partner is also struggling but I guess I am more expressive in terms of showing how I feel. I will send an update once we have more knowledge, please also keep me posted. All the best! I will be thinking of you.


  • Hi Justyna

    How are things going with you and your partner, any news on mri results and a consultation?

    I am now 11 days post-op and doing well, tumor and central wedge of liver removed,  in quite a bit of discomfort when moving around, but also getting lots of rest.

    I wont get my results on whether the tumor was benign or cancerous for another 4 weeks, so I am just carrying on with belief that its benign, time will tell.

    Really keeping fingers crossed that you are a bit further forward, with some anwers.

    All the best


  • Dear Annie,

    Apologies for the late response,we had to chase some of the results to get all the answers.Luckily it turned out to be a liver hemangioma, in fact there are several of them, but they are all benign and no further treatment is required. We are surprised as one of them is actually big (4cm), but I must admit it’s a huge relief. Also ALT level is not elevated anymore. I truly hope your tumour is also benign and fingers crossed for your smooth and speedy recovery. I know that the waiting is tough but hopefully you will get your answers soon. Please keep me posted and take care of yourself.

    All the best!
