Post menopausal bleeding

Hi ladies 

I would like some advice / re assurance if I can 

I’m 57 no periods for 2 years ish . Started having weird symptoms amount 2 weeks ago exactly like I did when I was ovulating then 2 weeks to the day after- wham ! A full blown period !! All the symptoms I used to have and feeling pretty *** ! 
spoke to my gp been reffered by fast track but have been told this is standard procedure 

any one else had this ? Can this just happen? Iv obviously googled it to death and made myself feel worse ! 

  • I just got a call. I'm clear. I have something called duct ectasia it's a benign disease. I have never sobbed so much in my life. Still heading in on 16th so they can explain as she was concerned how panicked I was on the phone.

  • Oh that’s fantastic news !!  I have never heard of that ? Was that diagnosed or from a scan or a biopsy ? 
    fabulous news tho !!!

  • That’s brilliant no cancer I can understand your sobbing and at least they know exactly what is wrong now I am so very pleased for you xx

  • Yay! What a relief xx Go to the appointment and take a pad and paper so you can jot down some notes about this disease … and no googling!

  • Hiya yes I have been told pretty much this too ! My hospital said chances are you will have to chase your results yourself ! 
    all my symptoms have gone so I also need to try and stop thinking about it !!!

  • Apparently they had seven doctors in the results meeting this morning looking at it. It's one I haven't heard of either. It's where the milk ducts apparently widen and get thicker and get sometimes get infected. Apparently it tends to happen during menopause so it also confirms I'm going through perimenopause I guess like I thought I was. It's caused by hormone changes. Doesn't increase the risk of cancer.

    I had to have all three. Mammogram was clear. Ultrasound showed an area of concern so they took two core biopsies to test and they have come back with no abnormal cells I guess. 

    I'm going to ask alot of questions when I go in because I do get alot of pain in that breast the week before my cycle and apparently they can remove the affected ducts if needed.

  • Hiya do you you call on Friday hun ?

  • Hiya any news on your results yet hun ?

  • Hiya didn’t call on Friday and I tried calling them yesterday but still haven’t heard anything mind is going mad but trying to stay positive in that no news is good news will let you all know as soon as I do xx

  • Hi all finally got my call no cancer phew I I did cry lol now to just find out why all this is happening at least it’s not anything nasty 

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