Had breast biopsy today

I had my  urgent 2 week referral appointment today for a breast lump I found 5 weeks ago . My initial consultation agreed there was a lump - he didn’t think it was anything sinister but sent me for an ultrasound to confirm and said he would be surprised if I needed a biopsy.

I was feeling really happy to hear this positive news so was absolutely shocked whilst having the ultra sound that they were concerned and I had to have 2 core biopsies taken and a marker placed  and another mammogram.  I was told It definitely is not a cyst as it is solid about 2-3 cm.. My lymph nodes are also clear which is a positive.

I burst into tears with anxiety .test results are 4- 6 weeks .I  also have a  family holiday in 3 weeks to Italy and I’m thinking of cancelling

The anaesthetic is wearing off now and it’s so painful- it’s almost under my armpit so I keep bumping it .

has anyone had anything similar? And did they get the results quicker ?  Thanks in advance x