Had breast biopsy today

I had my  urgent 2 week referral appointment today for a breast lump I found 5 weeks ago . My initial consultation agreed there was a lump - he didn’t think it was anything sinister but sent me for an ultrasound to confirm and said he would be surprised if I needed a biopsy.

I was feeling really happy to hear this positive news so was absolutely shocked whilst having the ultra sound that they were concerned and I had to have 2 core biopsies taken and a marker placed  and another mammogram.  I was told It definitely is not a cyst as it is solid about 2-3 cm.. My lymph nodes are also clear which is a positive.

I burst into tears with anxiety .test results are 4- 6 weeks .I  also have a  family holiday in 3 weeks to Italy and I’m thinking of cancelling

The anaesthetic is wearing off now and it’s so painful- it’s almost under my armpit so I keep bumping it .

has anyone had anything similar? And did they get the results quicker ?  Thanks in advance x

  • No news here, I’ve been bad the last couple of days as I had a rash appear on the breast that had a biopsy and of course googled and scared myself!  

  • Oh dear - hope it’s just heat related . I can really feel my lump - feel like the biopsy has made it bigger and it’s stinging which I suppose is normal .

    what are you doing about your holiday ? We’ve decided to go - found some decent insurance that will still let me travel with an undiagnosed condition. X

  • Thankyou - I’m sorry to hear you had to have a mastectomy but happy to hear your doing well x I have decided to go on holiday  x still heard nothing and we go a week tomorrow x

  • I think that’s normal, they did say the biopsy would cause swelling but I know we seem to worry about everything with this! 

    Oh that’s fantastic you should definitely still go and you may have something to celebrate

    Ours is on hold for now, until I know what’s going on - it’s obviously booked and it’s a cruise, but I can’t look forward until I know what’s going on xx 

  • I went away betwern diagnosis and treatment. Only to Devon but the planned holiday did us all good. It's nice to do something 'normal' and not related to the investigation/diagnosis/treatment.  I'm hoping to take the girls to Disneyland Paris for my 40th I'm September. I want to make memories.

    Honestly if you can, go on your holidays. Xx

  • Thank you so much, can I ask kind of the timeline and what happened from your breast clinic visit onwards please? 
    We are meant to be cruising to Norway, it’s been booked for ages and going with my mum, my hubby and my daughter- I hate how I’ve stopped everyone looking forward to it and instead worrying about me instead  

  • Mine was slightly unusual as I had the biopsy privately and then transferred back to nhs under the same consultant (i had my nhs breast clinic appointment around 5 days after my biopsy). But here is my timeline:

    19 April - biopsy result

    29 April - meet with consultant on NHS who ordered MRI and mammograms and genetic testing. I was prescribed tamoxifen

    1 May - MRI

    8 May - mammogram

    20 May - meeting to agree treatment but I got this moved up on a cancellation. It was originally booked for 7 June. I needed a liver MRI as they saw something on my breast MRI on my liver. Turned out to be cysts.

    24 May - liver MRI

    26 June -operation 

    I hope this helps.

    I get it's a worrying time but honestly if you can go and try and  enjoy yourselves. It will help. Keeping a positive mindset is key. 


  • Thank you so so much for sharing. I hope your operation went ok and your recovering well and resting  xxx

  • It seemed to go as planned thank you. I'm doing OK do far. Not as bad as I thought I  might be. I would like the drain to go. Codeine really is my friend right now. Xx

  • Oh that doesn’t sound nice at all but yay for the codeine! How long did you have to stay in the hospital for? Xx