Waiting Biopsy results

Hi everyone

Very new to this site.. it's currently 4:42am and im laid in bed with my mind racing. 

I had a sharp burning pain a few week ago coming from my upper outer breast area which made me have a feel around.. i found a lump straight away from the same area. I went to my GP as soon as i got back from my Holiday and got reffered for 2 week wait. I went to my appointment yesterday and i had ultrasound test to which then turned into a mammagram and biopsy.. she did two areas where the lump is and just abover under my armpit.

I then saw the consultant who was not positive at all and told me to start thinking of the worse.

Im 33 years old with a 2 year old and not handling it very good at all. Please can someone talk to me.. give me positive stories or breast cancer.

Or did this similar situation ever happen to anyone before and the results turned out benign? Im thinking of my daughter more than anything, she needs her mummy.

Thank you for taking your time to reply.x

  • How did they find the liver spot? Perhaps it’s just something totally unrelated. I can imagine how scared you are about that though! This flipping journey is one thing after another, my biopsied boob is all rashy today so now and thanks to google I’m convinced I have inflammatory breast cancer. 

    It’s good that they don’t beat round the bush as you have had enough of waiting and guessing! It’s awful, you kind of feel like you’re living in a weird little world xxx 

  • Oh I had a C T scan 2 days after my mammogram/ultrasound/biopsies  of the breast lump.

    They found it on that.

    The MRI will be more detailed. 

    Yeah they say don't look at Google,but when you're left to your own devices at 3.30 in the morning with a phone in your hand then ,yes!we look.

    We know we shouldn't but we do.


  • Yes!

    it's like your stuck in a world with this alien bump inside you.

    Your looking out at everyone else for help,but you just look normal to them.

    They don't know about the sneaky little secret that's hiding in your body.


  • That’s a great way to describe it! Outwardly people think you’re fine but inside we most definitely are not! 

    So true, when I’m left on my own I go to dr google! A very hard thing not to do especially when you just want answers, 

    You sound like you’re being so well looked after and amazing they’ve saved time by doing a ct scan whilst you waited for the biopsy results. 

    Lots of love to you, keep chatting whenever you need too xxx

    oh and we must stay off google xxx

  • Hi Vamp. I've read all your replies after your appointment and I'm sorry it's the news it has been. But as you say I found the wait for the result the worst bit too. 

    My breast MRI also picked up something on my liver so I have a liver MRI scan too. Turned out to be cysts and nothing to worry about. 

    Your plan sounds very like mine. It's very much one step at a time. 

    I had my surgery on Wednesday and only told my 5 and 6 year old about the cancer and operation on Sunday. Whilst they are a little younger than your girl they took it better than I thought. 

    Keep in touch. Xx

  • Aw thanks for getting in touch, I'm so glad someone has a similar story ,everyone's experience seems so,so different. I'm hopeful that tests find nothing else

    hold your little ones tight

    I will let you know how I get on, my surgery is not till end of july.

    Take care xxx

  • Offline in reply to Vamp1

    Sorry to hear your results.. mine as come back same too.. ductal carcinoma.. dr was very confident towards me and said its treatable and even asked if i wanted to preserve my eggs etc for a pregnancy later on. Its going to be a bumpy road for us! We got this! If you ever want a buddy im here xx

  • A little update. It is cancer ductal carcinoma. I will be starting a new thread too about it.

    Dr was positive about it all and said its treatable and asked if i wanted to preserve my eggs. The plan is to have a ct scan etc which im guessing is standard and then to have chemo and take it from there.. because im.33 the plan to throw everything at it chemo etc is the first step he says. And he says its a common breast cancer too.

  • Big hugs to you I have been wondering how you got on. The doctor sounds very reassuring and positive which is absolutely amazing! You sound like such a strong person- this is just a blip in your life and will pass with you coming out the other side even stronger! Sending you lots of love xxx 

  • Offline in reply to GL91

    Aw I'm so sorry to hear this .Been wondering how you got on.

    Don't you feel its a weird sense of relief just the knowing?

    Not the news any of us wanted to hear though. 

    One step at a time.

    Yes I guess we have strangers on a screen as buddies now all going through similar situations. 

    Take care will look for your new thread to keep up with your story.

    Take care xxx