Post Menopausal Bleeding

I am 65 and had an early menopause at about 45. I have had 3 episodes of some post menopausal bleeding over the last 2 months. It’s been very light, and just been a one off thing each time. I have a cervical smear test booked for the week after next . I’m wondering if I should chat to my GP before that though? Also I feel bloated, but I’m not sure if that’s just psychological! 

  • Offline in reply to Wiseowl1

    Oh well done! Mine was very slick too … and a private ward to boot! Glad it’s gone so well … now rest up, be kind to yourself and go slowly xx

  • Yes I’m recovering but a few weeks after surgery I had 4 rounds of brachy treatment which is a form of radiation. It is usually given to try and minimise the cancer coming back. Hopefully you won’t need any radiation but I’m sure your consultant will update you as to the next steps. Rest well and enjoy all the pampering and friends/family doing as much as possible for you. Good luck. 

  • One final update after my hysterectomy on 19th August. I had my biopsy results back in a letter yesterday. It confirmed grade 1a endometrial cancer so no further treatment is needed. I will have a routine follow up on 19th October to discharge me and will be ‘self monitoring’ any changes I might have in the future. From going to my GP to surgery was 7 weeks. I am beyond grateful to everyone involved in my treatment and recovery. I am 3 weeks post op and am living a pretty much normal life- driving; out and about; light housework…. My recovery has been quick and really quite uneventful. My journey is over, but I will keep on here to offer whatever support I can to those who still need it, as I have found forum to be so helpful to me over the last few months. 

  • Wiseowl1 I’m really pleased to know that you recovered so well and that it was a grade 1A so caught in the early stages. It’s even better to know that you no longer have to worry about things. I’m also feeling pretty good, but will just keep an eye on things. I also do regular breast checks and got the kit for bowel screening in the post today. I’m not leaving anything to chance and just making sure that I am aware of my body and any changes should it occur. Continue to keep well and I wish you all the best going forward. 

  • Definitely tell your GP. They should send you straight for an appointment with gynecologist.  The sooner they check you out the better. A smear won't don't. I had post menopausal bleeding at aged 58 and was seen within two weeks. Had internal ultrasound (just a bit uncomfortable) and then a biopsy. Fortunately I was OK. The consultant I saw said he saw 80 women a month with post menopausal screening with most being ok, but the sooner you get it looked at, if treatment is needed, the quicker the better. Don't put it off. Wishing you good health. 

  • Sorry, just seen the thread - glad you've recovered so well. 

  • Thank you! Yes it’s important we listen to our bodies! I’m glad you’re ok. 

  • Thank you Mrs MayMay. Glad you’re feeling well!