Post Menopausal Bleeding

I am 65 and had an early menopause at about 45. I have had 3 episodes of some post menopausal bleeding over the last 2 months. It’s been very light, and just been a one off thing each time. I have a cervical smear test booked for the week after next . I’m wondering if I should chat to my GP before that though? Also I feel bloated, but I’m not sure if that’s just psychological! 

  • I’vs got an internal scan tomorrow and then see a consultant afterwards .I’m getting more and more worried the nearer it gets! Am dreading that they say I need a hysteroscopy, as I’ve heard they can be very painful. Hugs to everyone going through all this!! Xx

  • I too was a ball of n iety about the hysteroscopy but my consultant gave me the option of having a general anaesthetic so don’t get worried. Just ask them. My consultant said I won’t have to wait for a new appt as it’s still under 2ww and asked if I would be ok if the called within 2 to 3 days. Chins up girls. We got this :) hugs

  • Just had to complete an online pre op assessment and been notified my day surgery for hysteroscopy will be on 16th July. Timing is good for our holiday which is booked for 20th July. Can’t believe how fast this is all going. 

  • Good to know that a hysteroscopy is day surgery. I hope all goes well and that you will be celebrating good news on your holiday!

    Were you offered just sedation as an alternative to a full anaesthetic? 

  • Due to my heightened anxiety the consultant mentioned GA and I said yes! Yes please!. I didn’t give the poor man the chance to offer anything else. I just want to sleep and deal with whatever when I wake up. I had sedation when I had a laparoscopy when I had an ulcer and I can still remember the yucky bits of that so GA is better option for me. 

  • Hello while googling about what I’m going through I came across this thread. Grateful if I could share too. I’m 59 later this month. Hadnt had a period for the last 13 years and then started having brown light spotting at the start of June. I got in touch with my gp and 3 days later had a transvaginal scan last Thursday. Then today I’m rung up to have a biopsy tomorrow. I immediately started thinking the worst. I am taking my daughters - early teens - to Butlins at the end of this month and I’m now worrying this might derail things, not to mention be worrying for them and me. I have been impressed on how quickly the referrals have been. It is so helpful to read the experiences of those who have been through this, thank you. Also helpful to have others to share with on the same potential track. I’m currently supporting a very dear friend going through oesophageal cancer so this feels awful timing. Like it would ever be good timing! Sending hugs to all. 

  • Same here I have an appointment in two weeks to see what is actually happening I have linning of the womb 28 mm thick and a cyst on my left ovary been telling gp for months something was wrong th3y didn't listen I was bleeding since Jan and no stop since April 24 up until now I demand a scan 

  • That’s awful that you weren’t listened to. Glad you’re getting tests and hopefully answers now. 

  • Sorry you’re going through this. Did they warn you at your transvaginal scan that you would need a biopsy or did that appointment come without you expecting it? 

  • Thanks.Wiseowl. I was given a leaflet before they started the scan and that included the possibility that you can need a biopsy as one of the outcomes. At the scan I wasn’t told anything about it was showing. I did have a feeling they might be seeing something but that might have been down to my worry. I double checked whether the appointment for the biopsy included an appointment with a specialist and they said that the biopsy is done by a specialist so I can ask any questions then.