I visited my GP on Wednesday and she’s referred me to the breast clinic under the 28 day pathway.
I’ve been experiencing increasing breast pain the last few months. It began somewhat interminttently, a few times a week. It felt like the let down reflex you get when breastfeeding, but I haven’t breastfed for 7 years. Then the symptoms increased so I was given a course of thrush treatment, then antibiotics in case of infection. Then in the last 6 weeks or so I’ve noticed an intense uptick of symptoms. My breast is always painful. Sometimes it’s worse, like at night, it will wake me up. It’s always there though. My nipple has started to retract. I noticed this back in January but thought nothing of it at the time apart from, that’s a bit weird it’s never done that before. My right side is naturally inverted so I wasn’t too worried. But now, my left nipple is always extremely sensitive to anything. Cold air, clothing, touch, water jets in the shower etc.
i have deep pain in my breast but can’t feel any lumps that I would call unusual. I admittedly, have been bad at checking my breasts prior to the past 6 months. Now I check every few days.
other symptoms include changes in shape to the area around my nipple. It’s thicker at the top and has a puckered appearance if that makes sense?
as far as redness, there isn’t any. Everything looks normal except for the nipple collapsing in on itself and the areola growing in size and thickness. I usually have a small areola that’s not very feelable. Now I can definitely feel it.
also, I’m still getting the let down feelings and tingling pains in my nipples as well as the deep aching pain.
i know this is long and I’m sorry. I just want to reach out to other women who might be experiencing the same thing.
what should I do with myself while I wait for the breast clinic to get in touch?
will they take a biopsy and if not automatic, should I push for one?
should I ask about a mammogram?
i’m only 34 and I have 5 kids between 17 and 7. I need this sorting.
thanks, if you’ve read this far.