Possible symptoms of bowel/colon cancer

Hi all

I’m 39 and have had bowel changes since beginning of December. My movements are small pieces that are easy to pass, but gp said that this was constipation. I was sent for bloods (normal) and FIT which came back at 4. GP did rectal exam and noted nothing unusual. Said it could be a little bit of IBS and to monitor food to see if anything changes. 

Fast forward 3 months and I’m still having same issue. I was under the impression that constipation was when you struggle to go but I don’t struggle. I eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water but it’s hot and miss if I have a normal movement. I’ve maybe had 3 in the last 4 weeks. All the rest have been small pieces. 

I’m seeing a Consultant about this tomorrow as I’m getting rather worried. I’m worried that something more sinister is going on and I’ve left it too long after the first GP visit.  I find that it’s taking over my life and I’m worrying every time I need the toilet. I don’t have any other symptoms but I thought I saw some blood this evening as the water was a pink colour. 

I wondered if anyone had gone private and had tests done quicker than the normal 2WW. 

  • So happy to hear that all is well.

  • Hiya,

    sorry for jumping on here, but hoping you wouldn’t mind me asking a couple Q’s.

    my sister is 31, and been having a lots of tests etc, stool sample x2, loads of blood tests. They basically told her a couple of weeks ago they have ruled out chrones and lots of other stuff, the only two things left was either IBD or cancer.

    she had her colonoscopy today, they took 8 biopsies but didn’t really say much after (just that she will get results in 10 days?) 

    did they tell you immediately after your procedure, she is due to get married in 8 days

    symptoms are blood/mucus in stool, weight loss, a lot of pain once eating etc.

    thanks so much,

    worried sick! Was hoping for some answers today! And got nothing x

  • Hi,

    I’m a 20 year old young lad with change in bowel movements for the past 2 months stool looks a healthy colour no black marks no blood in water no blood on toilet paper. I’ve just been constipated for a long time too? 

    Should I go see my Gp

  • Offline in reply to tom124

    Short answer  -  yes. At your age statistically unlikely to be "serious", but whatever it is sort early rather than late. 
