Further uncertainty after breast clinic appointment

Hi all. I’ve been looking over this forum for the last 8 months due to a scare in January and have found myself back again. 

I found a lump in 6 weeks ago. Saw GP 2 weeks ago and put on 2ww referral. Saw consultant today who felt ‘abnormality’. Had an ultrasound as I’m just over a week until I’m 40. The doctor found 2 areas of concern and suspicious areas. Was sent for mammogram. Back into ultrasound and then core biopsies. Saw consultant again after that. He said there was 2 areas of concern and they need to have a look under the microscope to see if benign or malignant. After reading lots of posts on here, I was given the impression that if they did suspect cancer then the doctors would say before receiving the results but I asked them, if they thought a patient had cancer would they tell them before the results and I was told no they wouldn’t. He did say we need to get the results and take it from there. 

I couldn’t help but feel his manner had changed from very matter of fact when I first arrived at the clinic to showing empathy at the meeting before I left. Am I reading into things too much?

has anyone had a similar experience and it’s turned out to be malignant and viva versa, also benign? 

I will receive a call on Thursday next week (the day before my 40th birthday) with the results. If it is malignant would it be likely to be in touch with me earlier? 

Sorry for the multiple questions. Heads spinning. 

thanks xx

  • I’m glad you’ve got a date Gooner but sad you have to even go through that. I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now but hopefully you can take some comfort in knowing this is the start of ridding your body of it. Sending hugs your way xx

  • Gooner 


    so sorry you are feeling low , it’s just such a up and down situation, my operation was only 9 days after diagnosis so I don’t think I had time to process what was happening Lookikg bsck it went so quick , I do feel for you having the masectomy as we are women after all and it’s the side we have to consider of how we are going to look and our boobs are part of who we are so to speak , It’s a totally new world for us. I’m white big chested my lump was small but still now my one boob is bigger in comparison you can’t notice with bra on but undressed it’s very noticeable.  , but after all this you will definitely get back to your normal mindset it doesn’t feel like it ever will but it sure do xx will it be a day surgery for you ? 

  • Lofty 

    was your lump picked up at routine ? Or did you find it yourself ? X 

  • Hi Lara. I found it myself 6 weeks ago around the time of the month. It didn’t go away so I got it checked and then the go found another. What about you Lara? What were your symptoms?  Xx

  • Thank you- that’s the way I’m hoping I can think of it in time. I’m just not at that stage yet xx

  • Hi Lara,

    I am scared how I’m going to feel about my body. Every day I look in the mirror and can’t believe I’m going to not look like this a week from now- not that I’m one to flaunt my body, but you know what I mean! 
    I’m scared about all sorts of things to be honest. My friends keep telling me I’m one if the strongest people they know etc etc, but they aren’t seeing the way I’m falling apart. I know I’ll be ok in time, but at the moment I’m worried and scared about everything to do with the surgery and after. 
    Yes- it’s a day surgery, which is good I think. Better to be home in my own bed xx

  • Lofty 

    I was just paranoid my best friend was diagnosed and I was in holiday felt like a heaviness in my breast no lump so booked on my private medical for a check felt really well and was assured I had no lumps had a mamo and ultrasound. Could feel the atmosphere in the room change , I asked outright do I have breast cancer and was told there is a area of concern and it looks suspicious jn that area but needed to wait for biopsy results I could not actually believe it I had never felt so well in my life xx 

  • Gooner 

    mtrs I no exactly what you mean my hubby my friends were like you got this you ate strong but deep down like you said I was confused angry scared then next day I’d be ok then next a mess , and yes sane as me I’m 49 I’m not co concerned about low tops ect now but it’s still our womanism and it’s part of us , part of our make up , but we have been unlucky but lucky we have found the monster and getting rid of it , I must say when I woke up after operation I did feel w sense of relief that the cancer was gone xx 

  • I’m glad you felt like that when you woke up- I hope I feel the same. I’d feel better if I knew there wasn’t going to be any chemo- until then I think I’ll still be anxious xx

  • Gooner 

    yes i understand cause they change Thor minds it’s not fair I understand this too , because once you have a plan you get your mind focused on this , everytine I had a appointment things changed no chemo , chemo  no chemo it’s a rollercoaster, but until they send off your node biopsy at operation I don’t think they no until results come back themselves, but they won’t give chemo unless its absolutely necessary , the day I was told no chemo after my 2 nd operation removing all.nodes in my arm , I had a massive party , try not to worry to much easier said than done I no xx I also demanded the Oncotype DX test as this gives you a score I wasn’t having any chemo without this test but lucky it come back with a low score you can request this test too x 

    love Lara xx