Sinking in breast when lifting arms

I'm originally from the UK but living in Ireland at the moment. I noticed last Thursday when getting out of the shower that when I raised my arm I got a dent appear at the bottom of my left breast. 

I wasn't sure if I was seeing things so I asked my partner on Saturday if he could see it as well. When he said he could, I went in to panic mode.

Unfortunately the health care is shot in Ireland and we haven't got a GP so I had to go and see an out of house on call doctor. Luckily I was seen that afternoon (Saturday) and I was seen by a doctor and a nurse. Both got me to raise my arm and immediately said, yes you need to be seen. 

We spent the best part of Monday calling clinics in Ireland that will accept a letter from an out of hours doctors and luckily found one to be told that the wait is 6 weeks unless the nurses deem it necessary to bring you in early. 

A letter arrived yesterday asking me to go for my appointment next Thursday and now I'm not sure how to feel. Happy I don't have to wait but also scared they feel I need to be seen. I've had a right wobble today. 

How does everyone else deal with waiting. Has anyone got puckering as well? 

  • Oh that’s good sounds like what they done with me, did they mention anything about the lump being suspicious or mention how or when you will get your biopsy results? Just another waiting game for both of us now xx

  • Not really, to either question. The ultrasound doctor said there was a small lump and then a node which may or may not be attached, and that she couldn’t see what was going on in between as the breast tissue is very dense. She said they might call me back for an MRI. She didn’t mention times for results but said I would get a call with an appointment when they were ready, and that I should take someone with me. I didn’t get the feeling that she meant it would be bad news- I assumed she would say that to everyone, but now I’m wondering! 

  • That’s really good though, I’m hoping they just said  that to me to maybe prepare me just incase, on the other hand I think if it was all fine they wouldn’t of said that at all, maybe that’s why I still feel quite anxious maybe…..only time will tell I suppose. Let’s hope neither of us are waiting too long xx

  • She didn’t really give anything away, good or bad, so I’m none the wiser! She was so lovely in the way that she spoke to me though, and mentioned how treatable breast cancer is now. She said that even if it was bad news, for most it means a few tough months of treatment, but then you are out the other side of it. I’m sure it’s not that simple for some, but it made me feel a little more positive. Fingers crossed for results for both of us now xx

  • Awww that’s a lovely thing to say, we’ll keep us all up to date and keep our fingers crossed for the other ladies in the chat. It’s been lovely to be able to discuss fears and anxieties with others going through the same kind of thing and I really appreciate each and every one of you for taking the time to respond xx

  • Likewise- it makes such a difference, doesn’t it? I don’t want to keep going on about it to my husband, and I can’t expect him to understand how I’m feeling. I stumbled across this forum when I was randomly googling in a panic, and I’m really glad I did! I’m grateful for everyone here who has responded to me in any way, and I hope I’m able to be supportive to others in the same way xx

  • Sounds like you've been well looked after today which must have made you feel so much more at ease. I really hope the wait for you and lebell isn't too long and you both get the best news. Xx 

  • Gooner 

    mon my first appointment I was told it looked suspicious but they couldn’t be sure and to bring someone with me to my results in 7 days I used a private clinic . 
    but I never felt any lump only a heaviness I still never felt any lump when I had my liumpecony when they drew arrows to it , but mine was very small very early stages lucky I went , I only went as my best friend was diagnosed and I felt paranoid, I thsnk the lord everyday of how lucky I was to find it so early xx 

  • Yes-they were all lovely. Fingers crossed for us all now xx

  • I’m hoping that if it does prove to be BC, I’ve caught it early like you xx